67 Life Is Strange Quotes from the Most Popular Stand-Up Comedians on Life


Life is strange and unpredictable, you never know what happens next. So live to the fullest and you would know what life has to offer.I think that when we look for love courageously, it reveals itself, and we wind up attracting even more love. If one person really wants us, everyone does. But if we’re alone, we become even more alone. life is strange.It’s often said that life is strange. But compared to what?

“Strange man without shore, near woman, riverine.”

—St. John Perse

“Strange, this life lent and immediately withdrawn. God, if he existed, was definitely lacking in generosity. ”

—Jean Lemieux

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“I wish I could stay in this moment forever. I guess i actually can now, but then it wouldn’t be a moment.”

—Max Caulfield

“Strange word than freedom, a word stranger than that of the dignity of man.”

—Racisme Murderer

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“When a door closes, a windows opens…Or something like that.”

—Max Caulfield

“Strange quirk of the human mind, one can convince a man of his mistakes, and not convert him.”


“Strange thing that the man who suffers wants to make suffer what he loves!”

—Alfred de Musset

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“It’s not until you are lost, that you can begin to find who you really are again”


“Strange thing to be a mother! They hurt us badly, we have no hatred for our children. ”


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“Time is so strange and life is twice as strange.”

—Ray Bradbury

“Strange to what extent the death of another inevitably brings you back to your own life. Everything is so ephemeral. ”

—By Christiane Villon

“To meditate in philosophy is to return from the familiar to the strange and, in the strange, to confront the real.”

—Paul Valery

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“If you could read my mind, you’d be in tears.”


“The universe is not only stranger than we suppose, but stranger than we can suppose.”

—JBS Haldane

“The barbarian is not a stranger who speaks another language, his own, but the stranger who speaks my language and skin it.”

—Roger-Pol Law

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”Life is strange, but F1 is simply crazy.”


“The stranger may be a friend you do not know yet.”


“When the stranger leaves, there is always something to say about him.”

—Proverb ashanti

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“Nothing happens by accident; you are exactly where God want you to be.”


“Is not it strange to see us defend our mistakes more fiercely than our values?”

—Khalil Gibran

“Loneliness makes us feel, not strangers to others.”

—Mika Waltari

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“I never knew I could feel so much pain, and yet be so in love with the person causing it.”


“He who sees nothing strange has never looked at a lobster in the face.”

—Auguste Villiers

“What is strange to what you do not understand? If you understand, it is not God! ”

—Saint Augustine

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“Respect people’s feelings. Even if it doesn’t mean anything to you, it could mean everything to them.”


“What a strange and unspeakable feeling to hear his daughter being called” Mom “.”

—Jean Gastaldi

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“It is strange, but true, that the most important turning-points of life often come at the most unexpected time and in the most unexpected ways.”


“Marriage and the prospect of food thinking sometimes do strange things for women.”

—Groucho Marx

“Marriage and the prospect of food thinking sometimes do strange things for women.”

—Groucho Marx

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“Life is hard live is strange nothing lasts people change people talk just a little to much you know who to trust.”


“It is a strange claim of men to want love to lead somewhere.”

—Victor Hugo

“Strange thing! We teach temperance to dogs, And we can not teach it to men! ”


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“Love is rare, Life is strange nothing lasts and people change.”


“I have nothing against foreigners. The problem is that on the one hand, they do not speak French for the most part … And depending on the country where they go, they do not speak the same foreigner. ”


“It is a strange undertaking to make honest people laugh.”


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“Things do not have meaning. We assign meang to everything.”

—Tony Robbins

“Is it not strange to see men so willingly fighting for their religion and living so unwillingly according to his precepts?”

—Georg Christoph Lichtenberg

“Women defend themselves by attacking, and their attacks are made of strange and abrupt capitulations. ”

—Oscar Wilde

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“How strange it is, that after all that we are strangers again.”


“There are sins whose memory, more than accomplishment, makes the charm; Strange triumphs which flatter pride even more than passion. ”

—Oscar Wilde

“He who sees nothing strange has never looked at a lobster in the face.”

—Auguste Villiers

“What is strange to what you do not understand? If you understand, it is not God! ”

—Saint Augustine

“What a strange and unspeakable feeling to hear his daughter being called” Mom “.”

—Jean Gastaldi

“Marriage and the prospect of food thinking sometimes do strange things for women.”

—Groucho Marx

“It is a strange claim of men to want love to lead somewhere.”

—Victor Hug

“Strange thing! We teach temperance to dogs, And we can not teach it to men! ”


“When you spend too much time traveling, you become a stranger to your country.”

—Rene Descartes

“The earth must be a very alien place for virtue, for it only causes suffering.”

—Pierre Carlet

“There is a time when things are so familiar that they become strange.”

—Adrian Lyne

“Giving freedom to the world by force is a strange enterprise full of bad chances. By giving it, we withdraw it. ”

—Jean Jaures

“Every man has within himself a world apart, foreign to the laws and general destinies of ages.”

—François Rene de Chateaubriand

“In time, the passion for great travels is extinguished, unless one has traveled long enough to become a stranger to his country.”

—Gerard de Nerval

“There is a strange satisfaction in touching the depths of despair; The excess of misfortune provides a kind of security, a haven of grace for the wrecked soul who no longer dares to believe. ”

—Julien Green

“If the strange vicissitudes of fortune did not show us the little value of life, we would never resign ourselves to becoming old.”

—William Shakespeare

“The sea is there, magnificent, imposing and superb, with its obstinate noises. Rumor imperious and terrible, she speaks strange. The voices of an infinite are before you. Nothing of human life. ”

—Eugene Delacroix

“Intelligence consists in never letting oneself be touched by the strange intimate considerations which sometimes ruin the life of the least.”

—Monique Larue

“Voices have a strange power over words. A single intonation on a syllable and everything changes. ”

—Claire France

“Wherever I end up after this… in whatever reality… all those moments between us were real, and they’ll always be ours.”

—Chloe Price

“I hope you checked the perimeter, as my step-ass would say. Now, let’s talk bidness.”

—Chloe Price

“Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray.”

—Rumi life

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