19 Inspirational Love Quotes Spoken by Influential Women


Talking about love is a subject that has always attracted the attention of humanity since then, there is nothing better in the world than being in love.

But as the devil knows more by old, than by the devil, we have recompiled in this matter  19 inspiring quotes about the love and relationships spoken by influential women both in Brazil and in the world.

Some of them are no longer among us, but leave a legacy through their art or their way of thinking. Get inspired for your wedding vows!

1. Love until it hurts. If it hurts, that’s a good sign! Mother Teresa of Calcutta  

2. There is a theory that men love with their eyes and women with their ears . Zsa Zsa Gabor

3. If I could give you anything in this life, I wish it were the ability to see you through my eyes. Only then would you realize how special you are to me. Frida Kahlo

4. The secret of happiness in love consists less in being blind than in closing your eyes when there is need.   Simone de Beauvoir

5. Love is the ability to laugh together. Françoise Sagan, French writer

6. All we know about love is that love is all there is . Emily Dickinson, American poet

7. The true lover is the man who moves a woman by making her a laugh, smiling or looking into her eyes. Marilyn Monroe

8. The beauty of a woman should be sought in the eyes because they are the door of the heart, the place where love resides . Audrey Hepburn

9.  The kiss? A magic trick to stop talking when words become superfluous . Ingrid Bergman, Swedish actress.

10. Age does not protect you from love. But love, in a way, protects you against aging Jeanne Moreau, French actress

11. I do not feed on “quases”, I do not settle for half! I will never be your friend, or your half love. It’s all or nothing!  Marilyn Monroe

12. When you love you do not have to understand what’s going on outside, because everything happens inside us. Clarice Lispector

13. The only abnormality is the inability to love. Anais Nïn

14 . I do not believe that we can truly love ourselves until we know ourselves and love ourselves. Madonna

15. The important thing is to enjoy doing things together . Paula Toller

16. You need to stay with someone who believes 100 percent in you . If you do not have it, it does not make sense . Sarah Jessica Parker Broderick

1 7 . The more different the better. Having all the time at your side, someone just like you, is very annoying. Fatima Bernardes

18 . We keep kissing. Kissing is very good. Bruna Lombardi

19. My husband brought only good things. Orlando and I have confidence, affinities, friendship and warmth for each other. Gloria Pires

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