15 Heartbreaking Inspiring Beautiful Quotes from The Fault in Our Stars 


The Fault in Our Stars is the must-watch movie with awesome graphics and based on fantastic reality everyone adores. The movie revolves around the John Green’s adult novel about two cancer-stricken teenagers, who fall in love despondently with one another. It is full of the emotional quotes about the true love and what happened when you can’t get your love. Star-crossed protagonists Hazel and Augustus exchange hundreds of thoughtful lines that can reduce even the most stoic reader to a puddle of tears. So with these 15 heartrendingly beautiful quotes from The Fault in Our Stars, we offer fair warning: even if you haven’t read the book, these quotes might require you to reach for the tissues. But they’re worth it.

The Fault in Our Stars, which hits theaters Friday, is poised to be the must-watch movie of the summer. While other summer films show off computer-enhanced graphics and fantastical alternate realities, TFiOSsets aim at viewers’ hearts. The movie, based on John Green‘s wildly popular young-adult novel about two cancer-stricken teenagers who fall hopelessly in love with one another, is full of poignant quotes about true love (and loss) that have already resonated with millions of readers. The characters Hazel and Augustus use hundreds of quotes that can force anyone to cry hard. If you are not aware with the novel or movie, read these 15 beautiful quotes which will definitely imprint in your brains later.“As he read, I fell in love the way you fall asleep: slowly, and then all at once.”“Oh, I wouldn’t mind, Hazel Grace. It would be a privilege to have my heart broken by you.

“As he read, I fell in love the way you fall asleep: slowly, and then all at once.”

“Oh, I wouldn’t mind, Hazel Grace. It would be a privilege to have my heart broken by you.”

“The world is not a wish-granting factory.”

“I’m on a roller coaster that only goes up, my friend.”

“You have a choice in this world, I believe, about how to tell sad stories, and we made the funny choice.”

“There is no shortage of fault to be found amid our stars.”

“Our fearlessness shall be our secret weapon.”

“Some infinities are bigger than other infinities.”

“I’m in love with you, and I’m not in the business of denying myself the simple pleasure of saying true things.”

“All your attempts to save yourself from me will fail.”

“You say you’re not special because the world doesn’t know about you, but that’s an insult to me. I know about you.”

“I will not tell you our love story, because—like all real love stories—it will die with us, as it should.”

“You gave me a forever within the numbered days, and I’m grateful.”

“It is the nature of stars to cross.”

“Only now that I loved a grenade did I understand the foolishness of trying to save others from my own impending fragmentation: I couldn’t unlove Augustus Waters. And I didn’t want to.”

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