The 51 Keys to Commitment in Love Before Marriage


In fairy tales the stories of princes and princesses always end with the longed- for happily ever after! In real life, there is story after marriage and every day is a new chapter to be told by the couple . That is why in addition to the request for marriage, one MUST want to say “yes” to other life issues with two .

Find out what 51 love commitments you must take before marriage and find out if you’re ready to live forever, alongside your love,  as well as the couple who made the record as the longest-living couple in history of humanity. Look how 87 years they’ve been married!

1. Believe that you can build a life together and bet on it every day

2. Love each day more

3. Say I LOVE YOU and demonstrate it through your actions.

4. Take care of your love when it is sick.

5. Give attention, affection and your shoulder in times of difficulty.

6. Celebrate together the achievements and joys of the other

7. Take into account the opinion of the other when making a decision that influences the life of the couple

8. Put aside pride and give in when something is very important to your love.

9. Smile at least once a day.

10. Have patience to overcome small daily setbacks

11. Learn to Forgive

12. Ask for help when you need it

13. Trust him to the point of telling his secrets

14. Do not judge his secrets and failures

15. Aging together

16. Always remain with that person to be her main support.

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17. Never doubt that your love is an important part of your happiness

18. Let the other have their space and not make it a drama

19. Divide household chores

20. Build a family together (if that is the will of the couple)

21. Do not give up when the hard times come (and they will come!)

22. Remember every day why you fell in love with this person

23. Respect the other’s family

24. Improve your qualities as a companion and become a better person every day

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25. To love and care for oneself

26. Never forget the luck of having each other

27. Do not let everyday drown your love.

28. Put yourself in the other’s shoes before starting a discussion

29. Making mistakes

30. Want the company of this person and count the minutes for it to arrive

31. Want to have hours of conversation with this person

32. Venturing Together

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33. Respect the transformations that you and he will suffer over time

34. Set a deadline for resuming certain discussions. Eliminate ghosts from the relationship is a holy remedy

35. Do not let go of those little details that only you know your love loves. Make him smile with very little effort!

36. Always invest in the other

37. Give away the television remote control from time to time!

38. Make time for yourself and remember the beginning of the relationship

39. Prestigiar your love in some activity or hobbie , unless you are interested

40. Do some activity together. A hobby together unites a lot!

41. Have plans together for many years

42. Put the couple always in the foreground

43. Vacationing together.

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44. Know how to listen and do not interrupt when the other is blowing.

45. Understand that you are different and unique individuals.

46. ​​Giving away commemorative dates.

47. Surprise your love whenever possible

48. Never sleep without first solving a problem

49. Always kiss a good morning …

50. And another good night.

51. Wake up together every day and feel happy about it.

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