25 Super Inspirational Quotes about Love to Use in Your Wedding Vows

The wedding ceremony is just the beginning of a delightful two-way adventure. After saying "yes, I accept", the couple has a long way to go facing together not only obstacles,...
wedding gallery

46 Most Popular Quotes for Wedding Invitations

story you have built. With that in mind, we have selected 46 love Quotes and celebrated quotes that can be included in the text or design  of the wedding invitation. Quotes romantic movies, music and famous lines ,...
women running

101 Running Quotes from 4 Millennia

Since people exist, there is running - it is our natural way of moving, and thus a part of our being, in addition to walking. No wonder people have...

8 Tips to Wake Up Your Libido After Childbirth

The arrival of a child, fatigue and physical changes bring many changes in the sexuality of the couple. How to relaunch the flame of desire? Overcoming his apprehension? Discover our tips to...
save money

9 New Ways You Can Save Money

In the 80s, we spent without counting, but nowadays, our habits have changed because of the crisis, inflation ... Today, we can not afford to buy on a whim....

8 Things Every Woman Expects You To Do On Bed

Yes, sex is something extremely personal, but that is not why there are no patterns or balconies that we can follow or learn, right? Sex for women tends to be...