10 Tricks to Keep Your Mind Healthy


Despite the feeling of sadness, constant tiredness, anxiety and discouragement, there are habits that people can and should adopt to combat anxiety and depression. Learning to be positive is possible, so just cultivate daily habits that help the brain think positively, even in difficult times.

1 Eat healthy food

Many studies prove that there is a connection between food and good humor. Foods like fatty fish, green leafy vegetables, nuts, eggs, poultry, etc., are rich in omega 3 and vitamin B, nutrients that help stabilize mood. In addition to helping the body to function better, ingesting healthy foods is a great way to take care of the body.

2 Take walks outdoors

Seasonal Affective Disorder is a type of depression, and if you suffer from this disorder, know that sunbathing makes people more positive. So, even at less good times, avoid isolation and leave home. Just half an hour of walking outdoors daily increases the levels of serotonin in the brain, neurotransmitter responsible for various bodily and psychological functions like appetite, sexual desire, good mood, sleep, memory and learning, body temperature regulation, between others.

3 Get physical exercise

When we feel sad and discouraged, we tend to isolate ourselves and not talk to anyone. However, moving the body is important because exercise helps increase energy, improve mood, and reduce stress. Those who practice physical activity regularly have a 30% lower chance of developing depression. The practice of exercise, in addition to helping relieve the symptoms of depression, causes the patient to leave the house and have contact with other people.

4 Have positive thoughts

Think and visualize things that make you happy, such as the best moments with friends and family or inspirational phrases. Have photos of those good times scattered around the house, at your desk, on your mobile phone. So when you lack inspiration or in the most complicated moments, you can look at these pictures to stimulate your mind to focus on positive things.

5 Maintain habits that make you feel good

It could be a hot bath or a bubble bath, painting or cooking, gardening or just being an hour or two under a blanket reading a good book or watching TV. The first step is to find out what makes you happy and then make time each day to do something purely for pleasure. Spending some time every day just for you is not selfish, it is necessary.

6 Ask for help when you feel sad and discouraged.

This is possibly the most important step of all – do not alienate people from your life. Depression causes people to isolate themselves and, most of the time, do not feel like socializing. If you feel that way, if you feel that you do not feel like opening a window and just want to be in bed, do not ignore all the people in the circle. Send an email, a message, to those with whom you have the greatest affinity, and tell them how you feel. These people can help you a lot more than you expect.

7 Surround yourself with positive people

The people around us also influence us. If these people are very negative, try to move away because their energies will negatively affect your energy and motivation. If you can not or do not want to avoid them, learn not to let them affect you. If you surround yourself with positive people, you will be nurturing your own positivity.

8 Define Goals

Whatever the goal (s) you have set for yourself, commit yourself to achieving it and believe that you have all the necessary skills. When you reach the first step, you will feel inspired to continue to chase after the remaining goals and start thinking about new goals. With each goal achieved, however small it may be, you gain confidence and self-esteem.

9 Have fun

People who have fun often tend to be happier and more positive. Work is important, but it is not everything in life. Fun, socializing with friends and family helps you relax and forget the stress caused by work. Try to relax, engage in activities you enjoy, laugh a lot, meet people with fun and well-disposed, do what makes you feel happy. When we laugh we do not give room for negative ideas or thoughts to settle in our brain.

10 Do not be discouraged or lower your arms

When you feel that the day did not go as well as you wanted, think of all the good things that happened that day. You’ll be surprised how this day will not look so bad after you’ve thought of things that went well. Remember, tomorrow will be a new day.

Read more
It Takes Courage to Be Happy in a Sad World

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