The Tricks you Didn’t Know Yet to Protect the Color of Your Hair from Chlorine and Salt


Having the hair color always at the top, all summer long, is not an impossible mission if you follow the right tricks that allow you to have a shining hair from the sea to the pool, without the risk of error. ☀

Long live the holidays! At the beach or in the pool, however, there is a mantra to follow: remember to take care of your colored hair to prevent the color from losing brilliance or, worse, turning towards shades other than the basic color. How to protect them ? For each hair color, identify the most suitable summer hair routine, which is different for natural colored hair and dyed or bleached hair , which need a lot of hydration and specific products for colored hair.

How to Protect Brown Hair

To prevent the sun, chlorine and salt from ruining the color of brown hair , first hydrate them with a good haircare routine made of specific products for colored hair if you have done some treatment, including a cream or a spray that is protective from uv rays but also moisturizing, to be applied on all lengths. On the tips, the part that dehydrates most easily, uses a nourishing oil such as argan oil or macadamia oil. At the beach you can use oil over the entire length even to create a wet look, while in the evening if your brown hairtend to be fat, apply the oil after washing them on the tips only. To enhance the lighter shades use a chamomile-based shampoo with softening properties, or a black tea-based shampoo for darker reflections. Instead, avoid natural henna if you are not practical in applying it because with sun, chlorine and saltiness it risks lightening and turning to reddish shades.

How to Protect Blond Hair

In summer the color of blond hair is enhanced by the sun, which lightens the hair creating faceted nuances, but chlorine and saltiness can wear them out and make them dry with the consequence that even the color suffers losing brightness and vitality, if not even veering towards an unsightly green. In the pool, before entering the water, wet the hair and pass the conditioner that creates a protective patina, then wears the cap. At sea, instead, it uses the protective oil which, in addition to protecting them from the sun’s rays, keeps them hydrated.

If the blond on your hair looks a bit dull, try a natural reflex that restores shine to the color. If you are a natural blonde and you like lighter shades, you can try a lightening gel (which, however, should not be used on colored hair but only on natural ones).

How to Protect Red Hair

If you are a natural redhead , you most likely belong to the lightest phototype. And as you pay particular attention to very light skin, you will have to pay close attention to your red hair too. He wears a hat especially when the sun is very strong, and “shields” the hair with a specific protective cap. Rinse red hair with fresh water after each bath to remove chlorine and saltiness that make your hair dry.

If red hair is dyed, don’t forget to use specific shampoo and conditioner for colored hair and once a week make a mask to nourish.

How to Protect Black Hair

More than the other colors, black brings out the shine: it is important that it does not “fade” under the sun because, unlike blond or brown hair that with the effect kissed by the sun become richer and multifaceted, black risks seem washed out, while needing instead a shiny and uniform color.

In summer the black color on the hair risks losing its lucidity due to dehydration, whether the hair is natural or whether the hair is colored. Use an oil like argan oil with sun protection even in the city. Finish the washing of black hair with a jet of cold water that closes the cuticles keeping the hair hydrated and shiny.

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