8 Unforgivable Mistakes You Make Every Time You Dry (OR DO NOT DRY) Your Hair (OUCH!)

From the choice of the comb to the use of the hair dryer, here are the most serious mistakes that you commit every time you dry (or do not dry) your hair


Perfect hair everyday. It’s a question of style, this too. It happens that an impeccable fold or a very healthy hair is worth more than an it bag or an expensive coat. They are enough (a light but impeccable trick and a perfect manicure) and the (beauty) look is done. It takes very little, and it would be enough not to commit a series of automatisms that, in the long run, compromise the condition of the hair, especially when it is dried . To not make a mistake? Avoid these 8, very common (identified by Self.com ), which are committed when you dry your hair .

1. The wrong phon

Buying a quality hair dryer is essential to protect the hair and dry it faster. “If you have thick hair , probably a bad phon can damage them even more,” says Kerastase’s hairstylist , Jennifer Yepez, who advises the ionic hair dryers toreduce frizz and give shine: “The ionic hair dryer technology helps break down water molecules more quickly, which reduces drying times ».

2. Use the towel incorrectly

Keep your hair wrapped in a towel for too long after the shampoo is wrong, indeed wrong. “After going out of the shower (beware of making mistakes for the skin ), women tend to wrap their hair with a towel and hold it for about 30 minutes”, underlines Giovanni Vaccaro , Glasmsquad’s creative director , “A cotton towel can break your hair “. The advice is to use a microfibre towel and keep the hair wrapped only for 10 minutes.

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3. Use the brush too early

If it is a mistake to leave the hair wrapped in the towel for 30 minutes, it is also necessary to use the brush immediately afterwards. The stylist of T3 David Lopez suggests to use it before slightly drying hair with the hair dryer setting them to a low or medium temperature to avoid knots and prevent split ends ». The advice is to dry slightly and then take the comb and divide them into strands to put them in the fold with the brush .

4. You forget to use the thermal protector

Using the thermal protector helps you protect your hair and make styling more durable. You have to use it, however, correctly: you have to spray it not only on the roots but also on the tips of the frontal but also posterior locks , explains Yepez who suggests dividing the hair, creating sections and working the product.

5. Use the hair dryer spout

Few people use it but the spout of the hair dryer helps you regulate the flow of air, protecting your hair and making styling easier , especially if styling is smooth . “The nozzle provides the ideal distance between the hair and the hair dryer, which is the hottest point. In addition, the nozzle keeps the flow of air concentrated and in its absence the hot air is dispersed, causing an unwanted frizz effect », adds Vaccaro. Not all the nozzles, however, are the same. “Look for the thinner nozzles, so the airflow is more direct and you’ll get more volume,” says Yepez.

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6. You are using the wrong brush

The brush or comb must be chosen according to the type of hair and the desired styling. A round brush, for example, is recommended for a voluminous look. However, bristles are fundamental . “ For women with straight hair who want to create movement, the ceramics are fantastic ”, reveals Vaccaro,  “ For women who want a perfect smooth but have frizzy hair, wild boar bristles are miraculous”.

7. Start drying from the back of the head

According to Lopez and Vaccaro, it is best to start from the temples and roots and then continue on the lengths. “Usually you start at the back and when you arrive in the front area already the strands are almost dry, making styling difficult, especially if you have fringe”.

8. Do you want to give volume to your hair?

Working on the roots is essential if you want more volume. “If you do not have a lot of time or you’re not a hairdresser and want to give volume to your hair, the suggestion is to blow your hair upside down,” says Yepez. You can use a wide-toothed comb or fingers. If you want extra volume, use extra-large curlers .

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