70 Best Inspirational Travel Quotes Ever (in my opinion)

These are the best inspirational travel quotes ever (in my opinion). Get motivated to explore the world with these memorable quotes from famous travelers.


They say that “if advice was good, it was not given, it was sold”, but, in my opinion, the sentence itself cancels out, since it is an alert, a counsel that you do not follow what you say. I believe that advice is good, but it is good when, the same, is to make you reflect and not have to follow exactly what they indicated. Therefore, it is nothing more than to inspire and cause you to draw your own conclusions.


I made a selection of sentences that I believe will serve for great reflections that will help you to breathe better on that difficult day. These are mostly travel quotes, but they are more than that, they are the ones that make you walk, leave the place, give you gas and make you discover that nothing is better than moving around. Whether it be the roads or the life itself, which, in the end, I believe to be part of one thing.

The following 70 inspirational travel quotes / advice / inspirations / teachings / philosophies / or as you prefer:
1. One day one must stop dreaming and somehow leave. (Amyr Klink)
2. The true voyage of discovery is not to look for new landscapes, but to see with new eyes. (Marcel Proust)
3. Life is what we make of it. The trips are travelers. What we see is not what we see, but what we are. (Fernando Pessoa)
4. For half of me is departed, but the other half is longing. (Oswaldo Montenegro)
5. Happiness is not on the road that leads to somewhere. Happiness is the road itself. (Bob Dylan)
6. In my opinion there are two types of travelers: those who travel to escape and those who travel to seek. (Érico Veríssimo)
7. A good traveler has no fixed plans and no intention of arriving. (Lao Tzu)
8. I usually respond to those who ask me the reason for my travels: that I know very well what I am running, not what I am looking for. (Michel de Montaigne)
9. I travel not to go anywhere, but to go. I travel for the purpose of traveling. The great seduction is to move. (Robert Louis Stevenson)
10. Like every great traveler, I saw more than I could remember and I remember more than I could have seen. (Benjamin Disraeli)
11. There is a time to go, even when there is no place to go. (Tennessee Williams)
12. Traveling is changing the scenario of loneliness. (Mario Quintana)


13. No matter how short our step may be. Walking in this world that daily pulls us back, only leaves our legs stronger. (Eric Ventura)
14. Wisdom is not given unto us. We must discover it for ourselves, after a journey that no one can spare or do for us. (Marcel Proust)
15. When we spend too much time traveling, we become strangers in our own country. (Rene Descartes)
16. If not me, who? If not now, when? (Hillel the Elder)
17. I have not visited all places, but it’s on my list. (Susan Sontag)
18. He who is accustomed to travel knows that it is always necessary to leave some day. (Paulo Coelho)
19. On a journey, a man must walk with a companion who has the mind equal or superior to his; it is better to travel alone than with a fool. (Sakyamuni)
20. What matters in life is not to foresee the dangers of travel; is to have them done. (Agostinho da Silva)
21. To travel is to change the clothes of the soul. (Mario Quintana)
22. People do not travel, travel is what people do. (John Steinbeck)
23. Traveling. The best way to get lost and meet at the same time. (Brenna Smith)
24. The longest journey is the inner journey. (Dag Hammarskjöld)
25. Go up the mountain not to fix your flag, but to embrace the challenge, enjoy the air and enjoy the scenery. Climb it so you can see the world, not so that the world can see you. (David McCullough Jr.)
26. Where my talents and my passions meet the needs of the world, there is my way, my place. (Aristotle)
27. Once a year, go somewhere you’ve never been before. (Dalai Lama)


28. Even if you fly, one day you will lose your wings. It shows how fragile you are. But while you’re flying, you can go wherever you want. It shows how free you are. (Kitsune Faherya)
29. Difficulties prepare ordinary people for extraordinary destinies. (CS Lewis)
30. I hope everyone has fun. There is not much else to do in this world. (Paulo Leminski)
31. All trips are beautiful, even the ones you do on the streets of your neighborhood. The charm will depend on your state of soul. (Ribeiro Couto)
32. Who shall know all the life of the voyage? (Fernando Sabino)
33. It is the fear of the unknown that impels everyone to dreams, to illusions, to wars, to peace, to love, to hatred. All this is illusion. This is the unknown. Accept the unknown and it will be a peaceful journey. (John Lennon)
34. The disciple of wisdom must have a great and courageous heart. The burden is heavy and the journey long. (Confucius)
35. I am the world in which I walk. (Wallace Stevens)
36. It is not good to cling obstinately to mortal possessions; we must leave that which leaves us. (Anatole France)
37. If you’re looking for creative ideas, go for a walk. Angels whisper to men as they walk. (Raymond Inmon)


38. Do not be surprised at the height of the flight. The higher, the farther from danger. The more you rise, the longer you’ll recognize a break. It is when you are near the ground that you should be suspicious. (Santos Dumont)
39. Freedom to fly in any horizon, freedom to land wherever the heart wants. (Cecília Meirelles)
40. Freedom is little. What I desire still has no name. (Clarice Lispector)
41. Traveling is the only thing you buy and makes you richer. (Anonymous)
42. They say that I have my exaggerations, that I am not a realist. But you see: the world is so big to be minimalist. (Clarice Freire)
43. I prefer to be this walking metamorphosis than having that old opinion formed about everything. (Raul Seixas)
44. The path is what matters, not its end. If you travel too fast, you will lose what made you travel. (Louis L’Amour)
45. I’ve discovered how good it is to get there when you have patience. And to get anywhere, I learned that it is not necessary to master strength, but reason. It is necessary, first of all, to want. (Amyr Klink)
46. “What’s the most important thing I could be doing in the world right now?” And if you’re not working on it, why do not you start? (Aaron Swartz)
47. The longing that hurts most deeply and irremediably is the longing we have of us. (Mario Quintana)
48. The use of travel serves to regulate the imagination through reality, and so instead of imagining how things might be, you see them as they really are. (Samuel Johnson)
49. Because people crazy enough to believe that they can change the world are the ones who change it. (Jack Kerouac)
50. We should not be content with the safety of dry land when, in fact, our aim is to fly. Being free is as simple as that. (Eric Ventura)
51. You only live once, but if you know how to live well, once is enough. (Joe E. Lewis)
52. There is no complete man who has not traveled much, who has not changed twenty times of life and way of thinking. (Alphonse de Lamartine)
53. Travel is more than the sight of sights, it is the change that happens, deeply and permanently, in the concept of what life is. (Miriam Beard)
54. Not all who seek are lost. (JRR Tolkien)
55. If you climb a mountain towards a star, the traveler is too absorbed by the problems of climbing, you risk forgetting which star guides you. (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)
56. Life is a journey in which the luggage must be proportional to the traveler’s need. (Gabriel Chalita)
57. “If I only knew how I like your cheganas, you’d run every day.” (Chico Buarque)
58. If you take a step toward freedom, it will take two steps toward you. (Tom Morello)
59. If I fell, it was because I was walking, and walking is worth it even if you fall. (Eduardo Galeano)
60. Our lives begin to end the day we remain silent about the things that matter. (Martin Luther King)


61. Utopia is there on the horizon. I approach two steps, she steps away two steps. I walk ten steps and the horizon runs ten paces. As much as I walk, I will never reach. What is utopia for? For this: so that I do not stop walking. (Fernando Birri)
Though my head did not change, the travels served to make me better acquainted with and take a turn after realizing that the essence of my progress was to accept my decay. That is, to progress until dying, because to live is to die. And I do not regret anything. (Antônio Abujamra)
63. We do not reach freedom seeking freedom, but truth. Freedom is not an end, but a consequence. (Liev Tolstoy)
64. “The only safe thing to do is take a chance.” (Mike Nichols)
65. There is a time when it is necessary to abandon the worn clothes, which already have the shape of our body, and forget our ways, which always lead us to the same places. It is the time of crossing: and if we do not dare to do it, we will have remained, forever, on the margins of ourselves. (Fernando Teixeira de Andrade)
66. Twenty years from now you will have no repentance for the things you have done, but for the things you have done. So, sail away from your safe harbor. Take the winds. Explore. Dream. Find it out. (Mark Twain)
67. Your task is to discover your work and then, with all your heart, dedicate yourself to it. (Buddha)
68. If we admit that human life can be ruled by reason, the possibility of life is destroyed. (Leon Tolstoy)
69. Nothing is more evil to the adventurous spirit of man than a secure future. (Chris McCandless)
70. When we feel that we do not yet have our place in the world, we have the whole world within our reach. Just go out and look. (Eric Ventura)

There are 70 Inspirational travel quotes. Certainly there are others, many others out there. If you think you missed your favorite on the list, just post it in the comments. They will be most welcome.

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