The 10 Secret for Getting Best Seat

A perfect butt is the dream of many women and men, find out what advice you can put into practice to have a high and firm side B

having-a-perfect seat

All women would like to have a perfect butt . But to have a side b of all respect you have to devote body and soul and work on it. In any case, we’ll give you ten tips that can help you understand how to have a best seat . Here they are.

1) Climbing the stairs increases the tail: one of the best exercises you can do to increase the size of the side and tone it up. Avoid the lifts and do not hesitate to go back and climb the stairs again. With this exercise you will shake your legs and you will see considerable benefits for a nice butt, since most leg muscles come up to the bottom and give it shape.

2) The correct position: the perfect butt is a reflection of how you walk. The way you walk and how it rests affects the size and shape of your backside. If you want a perfect backside , you must walk keeping your back straight and your shoulders behind your neck. In this way, the body begins to move harmoniously, with a more refined curve in the back.

3) Tighter waist, bigger seat: this is a visual effect that makes the butt look more beautiful, much rounder and firmer. It’s about making life seem closer. You can use bands or a belt on clothing to make it more noticeable. This trick is very effective, and you’ll see how it draws attention to the first person you meet!

4) Take weight to increase the side b: sometimes the problem can be an excessive thinness, so a good idea is to put on weight. The way to do this is through complex carbohydrates and not with fats and sugars. Foods like rice, pasta, beans and bread are a good choice. These products generate moderate reserves, which benefits the butt in terms of size and will make it bigger.

5) Do not consume fats and sugars: if instead you are a rather plump woman, you do not have to eat fats and sugars. For meat, sweets, flour, junk food (fast food), you must moderate or even eliminate them from your diet. They can create health problems like diabetes or obesity, as well as buttocks that lose their shape and good health.

6) Eat proteins for a firm ass : as already mentioned, we must limit the maximum fats and sugars. Instead, add proteins and eat foods such as lean meats, lean cheeses, vegetables, soy, fish, fruits like strawberries, oranges, grapefruits. Proteins are the raw material of cells and tissues, including the muscles of the ass that are renewed and firmer.

7) Exfoliate your butt to make it look better: you need to use a horsehair or bristle glove to massage you on the b side, in this way you can eliminate dead cells and tissues. Thus, new tissue will form in the area. A circular massage should also be applied to each of the buttocks. It would do very well.

8) Moisturizing creams: use creams to make your ass look nice, shiny and smooth. The skin, like any organ, requires more attention since it is constantly exposed to environmental agents. Use creams that are suitable for your skin type, age and health. Hydrate it and, if you are sunbathing, use sunscreen.

9) Squats to increase the size and tone: standing, arms outstretched, straight back, bend the knees as if you were touching the ground with the butt, trying to maintain that position for a few seconds, before returning back to the starting point.

10) Lunges, the best exercise: stand up, hands at your sides, open your legs. Put one foot in front and one in back, bending the knee of the foot that is behind until you almost touch the floor. Return to the starting position. Do the same with the other foot. If you follow these tips you will surely see your side b benefit quickly.

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