12 Of The Top Children Fiction Books Guides


There are thousands even millions of children fiction book out there, filled with wonder, fun, imagination, and adventure. Reading children fiction book are not only fun for us adults to get back in our childhood memories, it is also the best way to engage our children mind and morale. Here are twelve best children fiction books, both classic and timeless that pass through generations.

12The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien

First Published: 2012

Plot Summary:
Bilbo Baggins the hobbit lives a quiet, peaceful life in his full of home comfort. But one day Gandalf the wizard persuades him to attend on an adventure with thirteen dwarves in reclaiming treasures from the Dragon Smaug. They have to face three mountain trolls, goblins, and giant spiders to get to Smaug. Bilbo even get separated and fight Gollum in a battle of wits in return for his life, but accidentally won a special magic ring in the way. Then no longer after they claim their treasures, an army of goblins and wargs arrive to wipe them all. But at the last moment human, elves, eagles, and shapeshifter band together and wins the battle. After the battle Bilbo get back home with tokens, treasures, and the magic ring, not only that Bilbo has become a different hobbit who loves adventure and the wonder outside of Hobbiton.

Reason for you to read this:
The Hobbit is the prequel of The Lord of The Rings, originally a children’s fantasy novel set in Middle Earth follows the quest of Bilbo Baggins the hobbit to win a share of treasure robbed by Smaug the dragon until later turned to more noble event even the defining moment of acquiring “the One Ring” which leads to the Lord of the Rings novel. Though he is a home-loving hobbit who against the thought of faraway from comfort and coziness of home, he is full of wits, common sense, and adventurous side of his nature and mature through this experience. It received wide critical acclaim and remains popular as a classic, even adapted to a series of the popular three motion picture.

Best Quote:
“Do you wish me a good morning, or mean that it is a good morning whether I want it or not; or that you feel good this morning; or that it is a morning to be good on”

11The Velveteen Rabbit by Margery Williams

First Published: 1922

Plot Summary:
The story tells about a Velveteen Rabbit toy longing to be a real rabbit and then magically becomes a real rabbit through the love of with his owner the little boy. It become the boy most favorite toys when it replaced the toy he lost, and as it gets shabbier they never parted. Until one day the boy becomes sick with scarlet fever and all his toys and book have to be burned, then the velveteen rabbit waiting his destiny is saved by the Nursery Magic Fairy and turn it become a real rabbit.

Reason for you to read this:
This is a classic story simple yet heartwarming of a pure relationship between a child and their toys, innocent and magical. Simply just an easy book to love by children.

Best Quote:
“Real isn’t how you are made,’ said the Skin Horse.’ It’s a thing that happens to you. When a child loves you for a long, long time, not just to play with, but REALLY loves you, then you become Real.”

First Published: 2017

Plot Summary:
Mary Lennox, a 10 year old girl of a wealthy British parents were unloved and unwanted. Born in India, she is taken care by her servants thus she is raised spoil, aggressive and selfish. After her parents death of cholera, she is sent to Yorkshire, England. There she live with his estranged uncle Archibald Craven, at his Misselthwaite Manor. Her attitude soften and manner improve after she discover the private secret garden of the late Mrs. Craven, her aunt. She start to make friend with Martha, the gardener Ben Weatherstaff, Dickon, and a friendly robin redbreast. Until one day she discover she have a sickly hidden cousin Colin. Together they rejuvenate and regrow the garden, as also it heals them to the surprise of the whole manor and Mary’s uncle.

Reason for you to read this:
Like the theme of the book, rejuvenation and healing of the garden and the characters. Reading this book gives you the sensation of healing and growing, as well as beautiful to imagine and making you love our beautiful green earth. It is really fascinating to follow Mary journey from a lonely and sour little girl to a cheerful open hearted girl with everybody in the manor as her friends. This major classic book has been adapted to numerous plays, tv series, and movie.

Best Quote:
“If you look the right way, you can see that the whole world is a garden.”

9The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

First Published: 2000

Plot Summary:
This book tells about an aviator, essentially the author himself crashes his aeroplane in the middle of Sahara desert. A little boy with golden hair and a scarf appear while he is repairing the aeroplane asking him to draw a sheep. The Little Prince as the author call him originated from the asteroid B-612 with three volcanoes and his beloved rose. On his way to Earth, he visited several other planets with it’s odd inhabitant. There are a king, a conceited man, a drunkard, a lamplighter, a geographer. And while on earth he encounter a fox who taught him valuable lesson. Finally in order to return to his asteroid and his rose, he let the poisonous snake bit him and not let the aviator witness it, and the aviator repaired his aeroplane and leaves in hope to ever meet The Little Prince again.

Reason for you to read this:
The Little Prince is the most translated book in French language. It is a must read, filled with moral and spiritual parable. A charming story of a boy leaving his safe and comfort zone to travel the universe, encounters adult and their various demeanor. Until he found earth and unable to go home, he longs for his lovely rose and his asteroid home. Not only for kids, this book is popular among adults as it reminds them of their childhood wonders and the reality they become in adulthood.

Best Quote:
“And now here is my secret, a very simple secret; it is only with the heart that one can see rightly, what is essential is invisible to the eye.”

8Charlotte’s Web by E. B. White

First Published: 2012

Plot Summary:
This children novel centers on a piglet named Wilbur and his friendship with the barn spiders Charlotte, who later saves him from slaughter by spinning web with words of praising to intrigue the farmer and neighbors as the divine intervention. He then entered the county fair though does not win but celebrated by the fair staff and visitors and secures his survival at the farm.

Reason for you to read this:
Children loves this book because it’s about animals in the barn and they could talk to each other, which is basically what every kids imagine. It gives numerous morals lessons, such as being friend even if of different species/races, a guide of our food source, how a responsible pet owner ought to behave, and everybody can be extraordinary.

Best Quote:
“Why did you do all this for me? He asked. ‘I don’t deserve it. I’ve never done anything for you.’ ‘you have been my friend,’ replied Charlotte. ‘That in itself is a tremendous thing.”

First Published: 2011

Plot Summary:
This book center on a family whose father works at Foreign Office, were falsely accused of spying then sentenced of imprisonment which prompt the family to move to London, in a house near Yorkshire railway named “The Three Chimneys”. There they make friend with an old gentleman who boards 9:15 train nearby their home every day. Finally their father is proved innocent and they all reunited as a family.

Reason for you to read this:
This book offers a realistic relationship between kids, how they play, and quarrel with each other. A journey of three kids that life have to be reduced to poverty when their father were taken away. How their mother have to keep their survival by her writing. And how good deed they done comes around and give them good payback. Also how they spent their days in poverty but living in wonderful countryside with beautiful landscape to explore and good people to interact with.

Best Quote:
“Don’t you think it’s rather nice to think that we’re in a book that God’s writing? If I were writing a book, I might make mistakes. But God knows how to make the story end just right-in the way that’s best for us.”

First Published: 2005

Plot Summary:
It focuses on four animals: rat, mole, badger, and the ludicrous Mr TOAD with his new motor car and the residence of Toad Hall. Their adventures in gypsy caravans, stolen sports cars, wild wood. Their eccentricity, friendship, and camaraderie in a rural Edwardian England which also celebrated the imagining of Thames Valley landscape.

Reason for you to read:
If you’re looking for mysticism, adventure, with an injection of loyalties, morale, and fresh eccentric character yet he background of beautiful Thames Valley nature here is the book you’re looking for your kids. It’s classic yet charming and fun even you would love to read it to your kids.

Best Quote:
“All this he saw, for one moment breathless and intense, vivid on the morning sky; and still, as he looked, he lived; and still, as he lived, he wondered.”

First Published: 1994

Plot Summary:
This book consist of ten chapters unique plot and follows Winnie the Pooh a stout, confused, cute, friendly, honey lover teddy bear and his other toy friends (piglet, eeyore, Tiger, Robin, Christopher, Kanga, Roo, etc) simple adventure in the woods where they live.

Reason for you to read:
Winnie the Pooh is a beloved teddy bear of kids around the world for almost a century, he is a whimsical philosopher, a good friend, cuddly, loving, and a bear with a Big Heart. This book is filled with delicate paintings and classic feels. His existence has become a trademark and adapted to cartoon and animations, books, and many more.

Best Quote:
“If ever there is tomorrow when we’re not together… there is something you must always remember. You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. But the most important thing is, even if we’re apart… I’ll always be with you.”

4Peter Pan – Special Edition by Disney Masterpiece Ddwd

First Published: 2002

Plot Summary:
Peter Pan the main character in the book is a boy who would not grow up lives in Neverland with “the lost boys”, fairies, pirates, mermaids, indians, and a huge crocodile with a ticking clock in its belly. One day Peter Pan brings Wendy, John, and Michael flying back to Neverland and have the most amazing adventure. Where they could fly, rescue princess Tiger Lilly of the indian tribe, fight the evil pirate Captain Hook, and fly the pirate ship sailing in the sky.

Reason for you to read this:
The author captured the essence of everyone secret thoughts of not growing up, though it is inevitable for a child to grow up. It is really fun to read for kids, and like a secret world for adult to reads. As many people who read it have thought of being in neverland having adventure and fun not having to face the responsibilities of adults. He beautifully captured the wonderful world of kids with wild imagination and adventures and has been adapted to play, movie, animation, and become a timeless classic known around the world.

Best Quote:
“All the world is made of faith, and trust, and pixie dust.”

3Matilda by Roald Dahl

First Published: 2007

Plot Summary:
Matilda a child prodigy of only six years old who was born in a self centered, ignorant parents and brother who not only ill treated and neglected her. Insensitive of her genius nature, though she have read Dickens and many other notable novel at the age of four. Taught herself to read and take care of herself at the age of two, even able to do multiplication at the age of five. She makes friend with her teacher miss Honey and her classmate who value and celebrated her intelligence, but her school is run by Mrs. Trunchbull an authoritarian head mistress who hated children. Matilda also have telekinetic power in cause of her anger from being belittle by her family and headmistress, which she use to cause small pranks to get back at them. Until one day she devise a plan to teach her evil headmistress a lesson for treating all children badly.

Reason for you to read this:
This novel is beautifully heartwarming, filled with morale, humor, and a smart storytelling of how children are actually not as helpless and unaware as they may seem. It teaches us to do what we love no matter what others perspective and judgments, as well as to be able to celebrate our children with attention, support, and love.

Best Quote:
“So Matilda’s strong young mind continued to grow, nurtured by the voices of all those authors who had sent their books out into to world like ships on the sea. These books gave Matilda a hopeful and comforting message: You are not alone.”

First Published: 1997

Plot Summary:
This is a series of seven novel following the chronicle of Harry Potter, with his best friends Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley. They all are young wizards of England which studies at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Harry have to struggle all his life since one year old to evade and defeat the dark wizard Lord Voldemort before his intention to be immortal and control the whole wizarding world.

Reason for you to read:
This phenomenal series are widely known and followed by millions of fans with their own website, each book has been adapted to movie continuously followed by spins off games, merchandise, even their own attractions. It is easy to read, a new world of wizardry no one have ever imagine before, and filled with diversity, acceptance, political tolerance, and equality morale.

Best Quote:
“But you know, happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.”

First Published: 2007

Plot Summary:
Charlie Bucket a kind considerate 11 year old boy lives in poverty with his loving parents and four grandparents in a tiny house. Charlie loves chocolate and only on his birthday every year Charlie gets to have one Wonka Bar chocolate. One day Willy Wonka the owner of Wonka Chocolate Factory are giving five golden tickets, an invitation hidden in his chocolate bars. Each ticket holder are entitled to bring a guardian to a grand tour inside Wonka factory for a day, and a lifetime supply of chocolate. Poor Charlie wouldn’t dare to dream getting one of the ticket as he only gets one bar of chocolate each year, but to the surprise of everybody he get the last ticket. On the faithful day five kids with each their guardian enter the factory with its wonders of chocolate and candy making, encounter Oompa Loompa the factory employee, and one by one are ejected from the tour because of their attitude until left Charlie. That is when Willy Wonka reveal his intention of making the invitation and congratulate Charlie for winning the selection and inheritance of the chocolate factory, then Mr. Wonka and grandpa Joe ride in the great glass elevator to Charlie house to bring the rest of the family to live in the factory.

Reason for you to read this:
This is a classic children’s book vividly told with amusing cartoon sketches, with morale lessons told with showing the bad behavior and punishment received. The wonders of chocolate and candy factory wild secret creation process and fun silly verses with amusing wordplay. This is a magical and fun book to read for your kids, yet it filled with creative imagination and morale.

Best Quote:
“So please, oh please, we beg, we pray, Go throw your TV set away, and in its place you can install a lovely bookshelf on the wall. Then fill the shelves with lots of books.”

These twelve children fiction books sure will transport you to the imaginative and creativity of childhood wonders. Not only fit for your children, it also are some of your favorite books in your childhood. Reading it to or with kids sure will be a favorite time to spend together. It is both fun and educative for your kids morale and imagination.

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