What To Eat After The Gym to Get Full Of Energy

Here's what to eat after the gym to get full of energy after an intense workout to compensate for the minerals lost with sweat and not to put extra pounds


Nutrition after the gym is important (post-workout proteins are a key), because diet is the key to staying fit. But what to eat after training? What to eat immediately after the gym ?

In a training routine we usually always try to work hard. Physical wear is consequently generally high, since our body experiences a large amount of glucose. The muscles are subjected to intense work which, while encouraging them to grow, also makes them remain exhausted. This situation is what makes it compulsory for you to start muscle recovery after training.

The phases of rest

One thing you have probably heard often is that muscle growth occurs in the resting phases, and especially after training is when the demand for nutrients and food regenerating the muscles is greater. So it is important to equip the fibers with what they need to grow and return to their usual shape, and for this we are going to give you some tips on foods suitable for muscle recovery after exercise. When we have finished training, we need to recover both the minerals that we have lost through sweat, and provide the muscles with the nourishment necessary to recover and grow. This is important to do it as soon as possible to restore the body’s levels.

Water and drinks

Of course during training it is important to consume water or sports drinks to help maintain mineral levels in the body. The main nourishment of the muscles is the proteins, from where they get the amino acids necessary to nourish the fibers and make them recharge after the effort. A food that can help you recover is milk, as it is rich in proteins, minerals and vitamins. Taken after training will provide large doses of nutrients. Not only pure milk, but also its derivatives are a good choice, because they can also replenish the carbohydrate reserves lost during training. For people who can not tolerate milk, the best alternative is to replace it with a soy drink.

Muscle recovery

Banana is another ally in muscle recovery. Its high sugar content will help replenish the right level of glucose in the body and restore all the energy we have lost. Moreover, it is an extremely easy food to digest so the body takes advantage of it right away. A turkey meat and tuna sandwich is a good “recuperator”. Even if it is not assimilated as quickly as it happens with liquids, since the digestive process is longer and therefore the contribution is not instantaneous, it is still an excellent ally because in both cases it is possible to obtain the proteins necessary for the muscle recovery and growth. They are two foods rich in proteins of high biological value and low fat foods, which help us to obtain a higher quality muscle mass.

Protein foods

The egg is another protein food. After training you can eat a boiled egg to get a good dose of high quality protein, which is necessary for your muscles. If we want to eliminate fat it is advisable to discard the egg yolk and eat only the clear, even if throwing the yolk also throw away some of the protein in the egg.

Necessary nutrients

In summary it is important to eat properly and give the necessary nutrients to the muscles as soon as possible. This contribution will quickly avoid the lack of nutrients and will greatly accelerate muscle recovery thus obtaining surprising effects, since the training is not only lifting heavy loads and abdominal sessions, but also rest and muscle recovery, which they represent the moment when the muscles really grow.

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