“The best relationships are built on trust and respect”
Depending not only on the person, but also on the concrete situation, the very “trust” can take various semantic turns. For example, a person who has an open heart and does not know what a betrayal is, it is much easier to show his trust in people. What can not be said about those who have recently moved away from offensive and humiliating relationships. What can we say about the business environment in which to get someone’s trust seems one of the impossible tasks.
Nan S. Russell, a psychologist educator, summed up the word “trust”: “People mean different things using the word” trust “. Ask five friends and you will get five definitions. There are various types of trust: trust, respect based on competence, trust in a relationships, basic trust, authentic trust, organizational trust, self-confidence, situational trust and trust in management. ”
Although trust can indeed be sufficiently flexible by definition, there is almost absolute truth: certain types of behaviors are more likely to create trusting relationships than others.
1. Know how to recognize your own mistakes
Each of us makes mistakes, but not everyone is able to admit it even to himself. However, if your ultimate goal is to build a trusting relationship, under no circumstances should you avoid responsibility for what you have done. Perhaps you have heard this phrase: “Is the secretion worse than the crime itself?”. This expression sounds particularly true when you are trying to build a trustworthy reputation in the eyes of the people around you.
2. Be consistent in your words and deeds
Do always what you are talking about. Consistency in behavior is the quickest way to gain someone’s trust. For example, when you give a promise, it automatically means that you keep that word. Many of us make attempts that they fail completely. In order to correctly build trust in their relations, it is necessary to minimize the number of unnecessary mistakes to anyone.
3. Do not forget to trust people
Obligation and trust appear in one bundle of mutual actions. In one famous movie called “Getting to Know the Parents” Jack Burns, who was brilliantly played by the unrivaled Robert De Niro, talks about the trust in the Burns family: “We do not hide anything from each other”. The whole point of the phrase said is that with confidence it really does happen (unless it’s not as funny as in the movie).
4. Try to listen to each other carefully
To show attentiveness means to be observant, while at the same time avoiding your own assessments from the side or making superfluous judgments on this or that occasion. For example, in thinking about people to whom you have a fairly high indicator of trust, catch yourself on the idea that only they can listen to you regardless of mood and weather forecast. Nowadays it is difficult to meet an attentive interlocutor. That is why this quality is simply invaluable in building trust in a relationships.
5. Show and show your interest
The manifestation of a genuine interest in the partner helps to build up your relations correctly, and also to significantly strengthen the sense of trust. Such actions on your part are of decisive importance for the further development and maintenance of reciprocity and understanding. If you show interest, you show your responsiveness. When a partner feels the sincerity coming from you, in return you get such a cherished trust.
6. Know yourself
Self-awareness is the ability to understand the traits of one’s character, one’s feelings and desires. The well-known psychologist Nan S. Russell speaks of self-awareness as a “golden key” to the search for trust in relationships. “Most people do not understand that their actions signal and transmit information about them to other people. You can not do things consciously, except at the same time knowing yourself. ” It is impossible to build trust in a relationship when your actions signal the opposite.
7. Bring in yourself a sense of punctuality
The inability to manage and wisely manage your time is unforgivable. This behavior can be seen as an indicator of disrespect towards other people. The thing is that it’s very difficult for people around you to rely on and trust in you. In addition, your constant lack of punctuality puts in jeopardy all your actions and actions. In the final total – it has a destructive power.
8. Communicate freely and openly
Sometimes openness and honesty bring discomfort. This is particularly indicative when you avoid the creation of conflict situations in every possible way. In spite of everything, an open form of communication simplifies and smooths out many difficult situations. Effective and correct communication can be the most important key in the development of trusting relationships.
9. Solve conflict situations promptly
Each conflict situation is detrimental to trust. It is for this reason that it is especially important to resolve the conflict at its initial stage. In no case should not resolve the conflict, being in a somewhat aggressive state. For example, when you find yourself in a conflict situation, show all the power of your courtesy. Believe me, what you saw will pleasantly surprise you.
10. Be an example to follow
There is no better method for establishing a trust relationship than a demonstration of behavior. Perhaps this phrase can mean a common solution. Speak always the truth and be sincere, avoiding gossip and gossip. Build your communication with people in such a way that they can trust you. In return, you will feel a certain ease in the ability to trust others. In a word, this is the “circle of trust”.
Image https://pixabay.com/en/romance-lovers-happy-man-woman-1934204/
Source :Â http://www.cluber.com.ua/lifestyle/poleznyie-sovetyi/2017/07/10-printsipov-pomogayushhie-postroit-doveritelnyie-otnosheniya/