The Secret Of Beautiful Lashes:Tips Experienced Make-up Artists

Tips on how to properly paint the lashes ink, the web a dime a dozen: beauty bloggers and women's magazines do not get tired on a regular basis to develop this theme. Information, even too much. How useful it?


Tips on how to properly paint the lashes ink, the web a dime a dozen: beauty bloggers and women’s magazines do not get tired on a regular basis to develop this theme. Information, even too much. How useful it?

We turned to the practice – professional makeup artist and make-up artists, who day in and day color eyelashes models, stars of film, television, stage, etc. – Tatyana Tatarenko, Carolina Mawardi and Evgenii Voronoi’s, asking them to explain to us how to advice of beauty professionals should listen, or rather, that you can use in real life, and what techniques and methods are more suitable for filming and theatrical stage.

Some people believe that, before the paint eyelashes mascara, you need to press their index finger to the eyelid and hold for a few seconds: this simple act will give them a curved shape, which will strengthen and fix the ink. Is it true?

“You can try, of course, to do such a procedure – tactfully showed Tatiana Tatarenko – but much more productive will use special devices for curling eyelashes can find them now in any store that sells beauty-products.”.

“It will not work – says Carolina Mawardi – desired shape long eyelashes can be given with the brush of mascara, and short and straight lashes smarter and more productively to curl in the cabin:. Today there are available treatments such as biozavivka and lamination , you only need to make sure first of all that for the treatment of eyelashes mixture will not cause you allergic reactions. ”


Some beauty bloggers are advised to paint eyelashes “from the roots.” In other words, the greatest amount of material should remain just at the very roots of eyelashes, but not at the tips, arguing that in such a case, dries, ink acts as a frame, which supports the recycled ends. And if it is a lot of it on the tips of the eyelashes – they are heavy and can not survive long in a curved form. Is it so?

“Stain evenly lashes need, it is not necessary to burden any part intentionally – expressed their views Carolina Mawardi -. The main thing is not to overdo it with the amount of ink – then the problems with curved tips, no one there.”

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“To emphasize the shape of the eye better by drawing a thin arrow as close to the lashes, literally leading a line between them – suggests Tatiana Tatarenko -. No need to make skeletons of mascara It looks unnatural.”.

Do I need to comb the lashes with a special comb after coloring?

“Sometimes it is necessary – meets Evgeny Voronov -. However, if one is to apply mascara zigzag movements, distributing it uniformly over the entire length of the lashes, the additional combing has hardly been needed.”


Is there a perfect mascara, from the category of “golden mean”: not too much volume, and not too lengthened, so that it is not only able to paint over the lashes and give them the desired shape, but also to keep this form, without showering?

“No, – says Evgeny Voronov – and chase the elusive ideal is not worth logical to choose mascara..” Destination “: if short lashes – lengthening, if sparse and thin – increases the volume when wearing lenses – for sensitive eyes, if gathered on beach – water-resistant, if a party – colored, if the strict rules of the office – the clear. ”

“Ink, before you buy, need to try as a dress, – says Tatiana Tatarenko -. You can come unexpectedly novelty of the products affordable price range or you fall into a classic representative of the brand luxury, and even then for you it will not matter lengthening it, tightening up or 3 to 1. The main thing is that she was qualitative and mascara is right for you. Of course, the major cosmetic corporations more opportunities to make their products the most advanced, but it may be that your eyelashes bud is comfortable with the eco-ink obscure firm or nutrient colorless gel lash “.

Found on the web often advised not to use mascara, increases the volume of the “age” of eye makeup. Is there a grading carcasses: 20 years for women to 30 years, 40 and so on?

“No, of course you need to pick up mascara to the lashes, not to the figures in the passport, -. Carolina says Mawardi -. The same ink could easily be approached and adolescent girls, and women over 60. On my choice in the process affects not age, and the characteristic features of the eyelashes and the desire to achieve a certain result: to emphasize in makeup on the eyes, provide the most natural look, and so on. ”

The better to wash off the mascara?

“Micellar water – suggests Tatiana Tatarenko -. We need to put it on two cotton pads and remove, it is advisable not to touch the eyelid skin.”

Very common also recommended to paint the lower lashes mascara small amount, they say, it is important “not to weight them, but only to give them the desired color.” Does it matter?

“It is important, in principle, apply mascara to the best,” – says Karolina Mavardi.

Tatiana Tatarenko adheres to the similar point of view and recommends it to paint the lower lashes at the beginning: so will avoid the appearance of prints freshly painted upper lashes on the eyelid. Evgeny Voronov notes that visually heavier lashes – both upper and lower, can not only exaggerate the number of carcasses, but wrong chose cosmetic, substandard or expired: this mascara falls unevenly, lumps.

Reference: Usually the shelf life of the cosmetic product indicated a pattern of open jars with numbers and letters, and M. This figure indicates how many months the product can be stored after opening. Ink manufacturers recommend use during the first three months after opening.

By the way, ink is very fastidious and capricious – it must be stored carefully and make sure that there were no differences in temperature and the vial did not fall too much air, otherwise it will deteriorate much faster than officially declared period.

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