25 Super Inspirational Quotes about Love to Use in Your Wedding Vows


The wedding ceremony is just the beginning of a delightful two-way adventure. After saying “yes, I accept”, the couple has a long way to go facing together not only obstacles, but also enjoying many joys. No one can guarantee that everything will be perfect, for sure there are times of ups and downs. The fact that you surrender completely body and soul to this totally uncertain journey is a proof of love that continues to inspire more and more people to this day. Great thinkers, poets and artists have also written about this wonderful experience of absolute surrender.

We have selected 25 super love inspiring phrases to use for your wedding vows!

1. “Marriages are decided in the heavens”  – Proverbs

2.  ” Nietzsche said that there is only one question to be asked when one intends to marry: ‘Will I continue to enjoy talking to this person 30 years from now?’ “- Rubem Alves

3.  ” Each marriage requires a formula of its own, each couple invents their own, but one thing one can not do without: flexibility ” – Martha Medeiros

4. “Marriage is not the union of two perfect persons who were born to one another, but the union of two people who understand each other, who accept each other, and who only for love wish to be always better for each other ” – Augusto White

5. ” Marriage is a gold ring in a chain that begins with a look and ends in eternity “ – Khalil Gibran

6. “For me, the smile is what keeps the couple together” – Michelle Obama

7. “Marriage works for people who are not dependent on each other. The two have to learn to grow together “ –  Roberto Shinyashiki

8. “Somehow today I always want to marry you … For me this love is different, it’s not from past paper, it’s love from the present paper ” – Elisa Lucinda

9. “Marriage or the permanent union of two beings, of course, implies the regime of living by which two creatures trust one another in the field of mutual assistance ” – Chico Xavier

10. “Marriage is a very modern institution. Today, nothing more obliges two people to be together, except love “- Wagner Moura

11. “No relationship of fellowship and company is more pleasant, pleasant and pleasurable than a good marriage” – Martin Luther

12. “When you love you do not have to understand what’s going on outside, because everything happens inside us ” – Paulo Coelho

13. “Love is not looking in the eyes, but looking in the same direction” – Antoine de Saint- Exupéry

14. “Anyone can love a rose, but it takes a great heart to include the thorns ” – Clarice Lispector

15. “Being deeply loved gives you strength; deep love gives you courage “ – Lao Tzu

16. “Love is to change the soul of home” – Mario Quintana

17. “What can a creature but, among creatures, love?” –  Carlos Drummond de Andrade

18. “I love you without knowing how, when, or where, I love you directly without problems or pride: I love you because I do not know how to love otherwise” – Pablo Neruda

19. “Nothing resists good and love ” – Leonardo Boff

20. “Do not believe if someone tells you that marriage and family are outdated. Probably, it is a person who does not understand the subject “- Patricia Assmann


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21. “Love opens parentheses, marriage closes them” – Víctor Hugo

22. “Love is often the fruit of marriage” – Molière

23. “Love always has a sense of deep compassion that leads us to accept the other as part of this world, even when it acts in a different way than I would wish ” – Pope Francis

24. One word alleviates the full weight of life and pain; this word is love  – Sophocles

25. “Marriage, as everything in life, is something terribly difficult, a thing to start again from the beginning every day and every day of our lives. The effort is constant and often goes to exhaustion, but it is worth it “– Gabriel García Marquez

See also: 46 Most Popular Quotes for Wedding Invitations

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