Our daily life is filled with strain, tension, and responsibilities from work that requires our most attention as also forcing the most work of the brain. There for from time to time we ought to unwind and relax, giving the brain to rest and recharge our mental from exhaustion and stress. To do this is as easy as having an off day or going for a holiday, but the easiest way is to just find some good books to read. Here is where philosophy book can play a part, by reading this genre of books could give some remedies to our heart and stir our soul even revamp our thoughts and inspire it. Here are twelve books of philosophy that will relax and broaden your mind:
1The Republic by Plato
Plot Summary:
This book is in form of dialogue between Socrates and three different middleman, whereby they make enquires regarding the ideas of perfect community and individuals. Such as the question of goodness, reality, and knowledge, also education purposes, women and men role to guide the people. Completed with clarity and dexterous allegory Plato description of harmonious state under the rule of philosopher kings.
Reason for You to Read This:
This novel is a very widely known, most popular, and critically acclaimed Plato’s work that have been regard as one of the most influencing philosophy and political theory in our history. If you’re looking for a book full of inspiration, better community, life’s philosophy, and other more complex theories of a better society this book is the first you have to get. Inside you will find the discussion among Socrates with Athenians and foreigners about meaning of justice, various comparison of existing regimes and hypothetical cities, theory of forms, souls immortality, role of philosopher and poetry in society.
Best Quote:
“The heaviest penalty for declining to rule is to be ruled by someone inferior to yourself.”
2Beyond Good and Evil by Friedrich Nietzsche
Plot Summary:
This book impeaches formers philosophers of their inadequate critical sense and unsightly accept narrow premises in morality consideration. Especially in their initiation of grand metaphysical systems creation toward the notion of good man versus evil man than it is as a different expression of quite the similar basic impulses that have more straight forward expression within evil man. It then flows to the region of “beyond good and evil”, where it move forward from conventional morality to withering review in tendency of optimistic motion which intrepidly confronts the nature of knowledge and the dangerous condition of more modern individual.
Reason for You to Read This:
The author deems as one of the most prestigious European philosophers of his age, his work rejects the custom of western thought with the notion of truth and God and especially good versus evil. He establishes the view of Christian world as a false piety which are contaminated with view as the slave of morality. Yet filled with wit and energy he is able to change his direction to the present philosophy and inquire the individuals to impose “will to power” on the world. This book will shook your thoughts to the core, make sure to prepare yourself thoroughly before getting this book, although the prospects of this book is new and groundbreakingly honest which will make a good addition to the deep philosphy reading.
Best Quote:
“Madness is something rare in individuals – but in groups, parties, peoples, and ages, it is the rule.”
3Man’s Search for Meaning by Victor Frankl
Plot Summary:
This book tells about Frankl experiences during 1942-1945 labour in four different concentration camps of Nazi, while his parents, brother, and pregnant wife died, he endured and share his lessons for spiritual survival. He also shares in this book the experiences of his patient, his point of how to cope with suffering find the lessons after it and move forward with revived purposes rather than just avoid it. His basic theory of logotherapy where in life what’s more important is not pleasure but what we found personally meaningful.
Reason for You to Read This:
This book has sold over 10 million copies in twenty-four languages and gained position among ten most influential books in America, also used as many as a self-help book. It is a book you must read as the author managed to not only physically survive the Holocaust but also find lessons and share it with the world to inspire others.
Best Quote:
“When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.”
4Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: An Inquiry Into Values by Robert M. Pirsig
Plot Summary:
This book consists of very touching and perceptive examination of the way we live, how to do the meditation to live a better life. The kind that will transform the entire generation, a memorable narration from a father and his son motorcycle trip across Northwest America during summer time. The thrilling modern classic of a story full of love, fear, growth, self-discovery and acceptance to the journey of life’s basic questions that we face everyday.
Reason for You to Read This:
This book will give you a profoundly great story, personal and full of philosophical contents during the journey that we go through in life. Yet are spiced in it’s fun motorcycle trip across Northwest America, so if you’re looking for a philosophy book of the meaning of life yet are packed with adventure and heart this is what you need. And you’ll be surprised to find that in that simple yet challenging adventure you will find self-reckoning, science, religion, and even humanity.
Best Quote:
“The place to improve the world is first in one’s own heart and head and hands, and then work outward from there.”
5The Moral Sayings of Publius Syrus: A Roman Slave by Publius Syrus
Plot Summary:
This is an antique book consist of Kessinger Publishing’s Legacy Reprint Series, it is so old that endures marks, notations, marginalia and even flawed pages. The content is important for the world’s culture so it is protected, preserved, and promoted in the literature’s world so as to be available for everybody to enjoy and learn from. this collection has about hundreds of thousands of rare books with content that surely will appeal to everyone.
Reason for You to Read This:
If you’re looking for a book of philosophy to inspire your mind and curious to how wise are people in the far distant past this is the book you must have. This book includes some of the wisdom collection from dated back to 1st century BC, and be ready to marvel the experience of this artifact of the greatest mind in those days. A priceless kind of insight that will require your most interest and will widen your horizon and put a greater depth to your wisdom.
Best Quote:
“The sweetest pleasure arises from difficulties overcome.”
6Meditations (Dover Thrift Editions) by Marcus Aurelius
Plot Summary:
This book is originally written in Greek by the only Roman emperor who was a philosopher, Marcus Aurelius and doesn’t have the aim to make publish the work. This book consists of his own experience of challenging spiritual reflections and exercises he developed himself during his reign as emperor regarding his own personal struggle to self understanding and sense of the universe. It also comprises of his emotion of doubt and despair to conviction and exaltation, nature of moral virtue, human rationality, and divine providence.
Reason for You to Read This:
This version of the book you get in the store is the progressive version but more understandable towards our era readers. It is full of practical and inspiration to guide you to face everyday life challenges, people, and circumstances. This book will also introduce you to some strong philosophical threads like stoic detachment, personal conduct, will power, and perception. This book is also another prove of a person with such high power as the emperor still face such philosophical trouble in his life and have the wisdom to recognize and assess it to be a good person with balancing mind, soul, morale and master of his own mind.
Best Quote:
“You have power over your mind – not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.”
7Sabbath: Finding Rest, Renewal, and Delight in Our Busy Lives by Wayne Muller
Plot Summary:
The author of this book shows the reader of how to spare a fix special time to rest, have pleasure, and reviving or refreshment which are good for the soul through Sabbath day. Like an oasis of sacred time during a life of perpetual labor. This book mentions that the Sabbath time could be an afternoon, an hour, or even a walk, so you don’t even have to force yourself to schedule the entire day. Included with great stories, poems, and practice examples. The author expands on the importance of this sacred rest to refresh bodies and minds to restore and revamp creativity and attain inner happiness os to fulfill duties and still live a full happy life.
Reason for You to Read This:
This book is the one for you if you’re looking for a more modernized Sabbath sacred rest how to do and details elaboration. it will make you understand more of the importance of mental and physicall refreshments to have a balance life of body and soul. This book is not only for people who practices Sabbath, you could also learn from the main purpose of their practice and use it to have your own resting time to rewind and refresh your mind and soul of the repeating and hectic work and daily responsibilities.
Best Quote:
“All life has emptiness at it’s core it is the quiet hollow reed through which the wind of God blows and makes the music that is our life.”
8This I Know: Notes On Unraveling The Heart by Susannah Conway
Plot Summary:
This book comprise of partly memoir and partly creative journal, the author’s own journey through bereavement and healing, and his writing have the power to transport the reader to a ride of unraveling and healing. Sort of like a guidebook and collection of her thoughts and theories, completed with exercises and dreamy light filled Polaroids.
Reason for You to:
If you’re into inspiring origin stories, this book will definitely give you what you need as it’s full of comeback stories of how people get their wits through their circumstances and how they get back to their feet and face life. The kind of book that will give you the remedy of loss, the true story of the author and her journey to pick herself up again, accept her past, love and appreciate herself.
Best Quote:
“If you live long enough, you’ll lose people you love.”
9Better Than Before: A Day-by-Day Journal by Gretchen Rubin
Plot Summary:
This book discuss on how to identified our habits and through it ascertain our own character and life path. It focuses on how to reform and reshape bad habits that will lead us to from the path of life we dislike or even ruin our life becoming a habit that will bring us to our glory and happy life. Completed with concrete and solid framework, and clear detailed keys to transform yourself to the better or best version of you. Because sometimes we are unaware of our own destructive habits and unconsciously realize but just blindly keep doing it in a loop.
Reason for You to Read This:
This book is full of persuasive research and fun humor easy to read yet also a great source to point out our bad habit and good habit, so we could filter it and transfrom our life with basic principles of habit that will get us to where we want, the happier and fulfilling life. If you’re having a trouble to determine your bad habit or you just can’t seem to have the life you want despite all the things you do this book could help you in such simple ways that you might not even think of. With it’s light style and precise method this book will surely improve your progress and keep you in track.
Best Quote:
“There’s a great satisfaction in knowing that we’ve made good use of our days, that we’ve lived up to our expectations of ourselves.”
10Spirit Junkie: A Radical Road to Self-Love and Miracles by Gabrielle Bernstein
Plot Summary:
The author Gabrielle Bernstein is a publicist living in a New York City and an all out party girl who become the guide of life, as she shares her transformation and spiritual journey on overcoming fear, changing view of life, and finally creating the life you’re happy to live in. She has exchanged her self-doubt and addiction to be the student of A Course in Miracles, and after graduating ha spread and guide many of the next generations to live and value the spiritual principles.
Reason for You to Read This:
If you’re in the suffering of self-doubt and feel unworthy to have better life, or you feels like living in a life that you’re not happy with this book will help you to identified, inspired, and learn more about your self-worth and how all of that are in your own hands to change and improve. All you need is this book as guide to what you need are moral support and real life stories of same experiences to let you know you’re not alone and how to deal with such issues.
Best Quote:
“When we fulfill our function, which is to truly love ourselves and share love with others, then true happiness sets in.”
11The Desire Map: A Guide to Creating Goals with Soul by Danielle LaPorte
Plot Summary:
This book focuses on how to practically sets your way, manage, and work with what you have through to achieve your goals. As when we set our goals and we chase it to get where we want to be problems and temptation start to arise and we stray from the goals thinking what we do is not right. Then we will start to worry and feel defeated, stress out, frustrated, and unhappy. So basically this book is the guide written to keep our path clear to the goals and how to avoid all the unnecessary stress.
Reason for You to Read This:
If you’re looking for a practical guide to achieve your goals and fulfill your ambition this is what you need. The system is thoroughly helpfull, and clears your path along the way, and most importantly it all comes from yourself first, the actions necessary to stay in goal, and how to self-starting and self-helping.
Best Quote:
“You can’t always choose what happens to you, but you can always choose how you feel about it.”
12What Should I Do with My Life?: The True Story of People Who Answered the Ultimate Question By Po Bronson
Plot Summary:
This book is a collection of answers regarding the question of “What should I do with my life?”, the one question that all of us will face in a certain period of our life, the compilation of answers are coming from diverse individuals of every ages, genders, background, occupation, race, and nationality. The answers that show the story of their journey overcoming fears, confusion, and still look ahead to face the truth of their own life.
Reason for You to Read This:
If you’re looking for the book that will answer the same question all of us think of, this is the book you must get. Despite it’s singular question, the answers and stories regarding it from different individual will give you the perspective you needed or might even have the right answer that matches you.
Best Quote:
“I used to use business to make money. But I’ve learned that business is a tool. You can use it to support what you believe in.”