Making five meals a day doesn’t mean you eat more, but help improve your metabolism.
As the years go by, our metabolism is slower and consumption decreases, which is why it is often easy to gain weight and make efforts to to it.
For that purpose, nutrition experts recommend making five meals a day, with the aim of improving digestive activity and reviving metabolism. However, food intake must be nutritious and remote from junk food.

These are the reasons why you must eat five times a day according to experts:

Improves the functioning of metabolism

Eating food at least every three hours during the day allows the metabolism to remain active and this prevents an increase in weight. The Generation of spending is activated with digestion, and a lazy system is one of the causes of overweight.

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Help The Agency Not Store Food

When the body spends long periods of time without receiving food, the body lifts an alert signal and orders a storage of fat to guarantee the supply of energy. Eating five times a day allows the organism to dispose of what it does not need in the ordered time, without accumulation.

Control The Desire to Eat

Eating constantly during the day allows to control the desire to eat caused by anxiety or stress.

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Keeps the Glucose Levels Controlled

It is extremely important for diabetes patients to eat regularly. This prevents glucose levels from rising due to lack of activity in the digestive system.

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Provides Energy

With food intake every three hours a day, you have enough energy to give up more and better throughout the day.

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Take care of what you eat and in collations try to add healthy snacks and rich in fiber.


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