I Love You Because You Set Me Free!

I love this way of being and that makes me feel free , because you do not fill me with neuras, nor do games .


I love this way of being and that makes me feel free , because you do not fill me with neuras, nor do games .I love how you make me feel secure, fill my heart, and at the same time do not suffocate me.


I love your way of seeing life, I love your advice, I love your way.

I love you because you respect my way of thinking and show me how you can be better.I love it when you make me laugh, I love how it disarms my hair, or it says I look like Vanuza singing.I love because the more you set me free, but you hold me, but it wakes me up, it makes me who I really am.I love it when you tell me, why wear makeup? You’re already beautiful like this!I love when you show me that it is possible for us to feel more alive every day!


I love the way you look at me, as you show affection for everything I think is important.

I love this way of wanting to be amazed every day with your attitudes. I’ve told you millions of times that you overflow me, because I’ve been whole for a long time.Besides, I love you because you’re a friend, with whom I can tell, the one who makes me miss, not just for the kiss, for the affection , but for the good conversation.I love flying, you know, I’m a bird, and so do you, and because we understand that, we never have to be stuck in our cages, we always fly with the certainty that we have each other.

Translated by the team of X team – Source:osegredo.com

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