The Key To Happy Relationships


One of the major causes of the couple problems – perhaps the biggest one – is the judgment. By this I mean self-judgment, as well as judging others. Self-judgment is a common form of self-abandonment. When we judge ourselves, we generally judge others and vice versa.

Our programmed part, our wounded ego, often thinks that self-judgment and judgment of others will generate change. But if you actually examine the results of the judgment, you will see that the effect is the opposite. When you judge, you feel really restless, depressed, guilty, or cheated. You do not act as well as when you feel happy and cuddled and you cherish.

So what happens between you and your partner, child, friends or colleagues when you judge or judge?

When judging others, we think they judge us, and when we judge ourselves, we feel insecure. The truth is that judging yourself or others never brings anything good. It makes us feel bad and creates false relationships.

happy relationships clips

Even the thoughts in which you judge someone or yourself have a negative effect because they affect your vibrational frequency. Your energy frequency determines whether you can connect or not with love with others. When you judge, your frequency is low. Your ego acts and your heart is closed.

If you want to have loving and fulfilled relationships, start by observing your thoughts. You can not give up something that you do not know existed. It is not uncommon for the thoughts in which you or others are judged to be automatic – not even conscious. As you become aware of them, you have the opportunity to replace them with acceptance, compassion and forgiveness. Whenever you do that, you raise your vibration and manage to connect easily with other people like you.

The actions resulting from judging others and those resulting from acceptance, compassion and forgiveness are completely different. The former consist of control and rejection, while others lead to loving behavior. When you replace the judgment with acceptance, compassion, and forgiveness, you begin to experience love naturally and listen to your inner voice. You are always guided, dearly, to your highest good and to the manifestation of your most daring dreams.

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