The 13 Most Inspiring Books For Hugs Dog Lovers


Dogs are human best friend, they would really look inside you and provide you with the unconditional love. These are twelve book centers on dog, and for you the dog lover or not it will simply inspire you, feel for them, cry for them, and couldn’t help but love them.

First Published: 2009

Plot Summary:
Steven Winn and his wife Sally finally gave in to their only child Phoebe request to adopt a scraggly terrier mutt from the nearby animal shelter. They named him Como, and unfortunately it hate men included but not limitly Steven. Como is a cunning escape artist who have a trauma in it’s past life, committed and very clever, he is determined to scrape Steven of his sanity, self respect, savings, and his heart.

Reason for You to Read This:
Some dog are not what it seem commonly, each of them are unique just like human being. Come Back, Como is tale of a man’s quest to win the trust of a dog who doesn’t care to anything about him. Packed with humor and sympathy he describe the frustrating yet very rewarding effects of Como cause on his family. With the lesson that loving a dog can make us more human.

Best Quote:
“Don’t let me go out there, Como is telling me. Don’t let me go this time. Don’t let me go.”

First Published: 2014

Plot Summary:
This book is an inspiration based on Garden & Gun magazine column “Good Dog”, a compilation of true stories about the heartwarming relationship between humans and their canine companions. Some of the writer of this column are Jon Meacham, Roy Blount, Jr, Dominique Browning, and P.J. O’Rourke.

Reason for You to Read This:
This is for you who are looking for quick short stories of dog companionship and friendhip, yet it is beautifully written, it’s to the point, funny, warms your heart, the life proof of how lovable dogs are. Full of inspiration, comic, and honest stories that will guarantee you to adopt a dog right away.

Best Quote:
“I loved that dog more than any dog I have shared my time with before or since. I had to earn her affection, but once I did, Sadie was loyal to a fault.”

First Published: 2005

Plot Summary:
John and Jenny just get married and prepare to begins their life togehter, young and in love in the perfect little house. But when they adopt an adorable yellow labrador pup everything changes. Mischievous, destroying house furniture, even failing obidience school, to swallowing 18 carat solid gold necklace Jenny almost force John to get rid of the dog. But one day it all comes around, as John didn’t give up on him and so did Marley. Turns out Marley even teaches the family of the real value in life

Reason for You to Read This:
This book is going to make you laugh, shake your head in disbelief, and cry, but all the same you can’t help but fall in love with it. It centrals on the theme of doesn’t matter how your dog is, you’ll love it anyway and how little they ask from you yet they will give back more in return.

Best Quote:
“Starting a life together and the big nutty, incorrigible, lovable dog that changed it all. Changed us. Changed our children. Changed the family we’d become.”

First Published: 2016

Plot Summary:
Karen Shirk have to depends of a ventilator after suffer a neuromuscular disease that render her an immobile patient, when she seek for a service dog yet almost every service agency refuses her. Until finally she find Ben the German Shepherd, it bring her back to life and shower her with unconditional love, support and friendship. Then Karen runs a service dog academy with the vision to restore life of other broken children and their companion dog.

Reason for You to Read This:
This book will show you how a girl who is doom of her unfortunate condition finally can be back on her feet with the help of her dog and then willfully make it become her mission to see that other who needed will have the help and support she get. And how a dog could be a caregiver with such devoted love and patience.

Best Quote:
“On the question of whether animals think and feel – unlike the subject of evolution, or climate change – most ‘deniers have been found in academia, not on the streets”

First Published: 2012

Plot Summary:
This novel is about Tom Ryan’s advanture with his miniature schnauzer named Atticus M. Finch in climbing all 48 of New Hampshire’s 4000 ft peaks twice in a winter period of time. The experience of a lifetime with the extraordinary duo across hundreds of miles into deep and dangerous land. A story so exceptional of the heart warming relationship of a dog and its owner to the point of its playing the part of a better man.

Reason for You to Read This:
If you like unforgettable story of adventure, friendship, loyalty between human and a dog to the extent of almost unbelievable this is the book for you. For you that just couldn’t believe a dog power of unconditional love this book will astound and melt you as you read page by page, an eye opener experience of real proof of what a dog capable of.

Best Quote:
“For there he sits, alone in that field, facing an edge, facing a frontier, facing a wilderness that dwarfs him. And yet he sits. Facing it. Not turning away. Not running away.”

First Published: 2013

Plot Summary:
Brian Hare research of project “Dognition” is astounding, this project is about the study of Dog cognition. Meaning dogs could read our social clues, intrepreting our daily interactions from our movements and gestures then analyse it to perform a suitable reaction. They even use this to train us the owners without our knowledge.

Reason for You to Read This:
If you’re looking for a book to understand better of a dog’s ability to process information, personality shaping process, their basic characters, their motivation, distinctive reaction, and many more then this is the book you need. You’ll find helpful answers for those questions, and better understanding to deal or communicate better with your dog.

Best Quote:
“The dog is arguably the most successful mammal on the planet, besides us.”

First Published:2003

Plot Summary:
The author write about extensive subjects that will help us understand more about dog’s behavior. This book shows that most human just deemed all dog have the same certain way to act, although the truth are deeper and more complex than that. There are reason why some dogs are friendly others are hostile, dogs greeting each other meaning, some are easier to train while others not, and many more unfolding answers for the many questions we sometimes asked in our head.

Reason for You to Read This:
For you who is getting a dog for the first time and trying to do the best you can to make your dog feel comfortable, this is the book you need. This books filled with many answers needed for your question to understand and communicate better with your dog. Written in a humble, hilarous and frank style to make your journey as easy and enjoyable as possible.

Best Quote:
“All dogs are brilliant at perceiving the slightest movement that we make, and they assume that each tiny motion has meaning. So do we humans, if you think about it.”

First Published: 2008

Plot Summary:
Denny Swift is a car racer and Seattle auto dealership customer representative journey of a life time with his dog Enzo. The dog stay by his side through the ups and down of his life, facing all kind of trials and tribulations. From his struggle over child custody to watching his owner passion of car racing and accompany him with it.

Reason for You to Read This:
This full of heart book will melt you yet take you to their ride together, of their adventure and their togetherness in Denny whole life journey. Yet you couldn’t help but love their comradery, especially in the dog part as the unconditional supporter and friend to Denny.

Best Quote:
“Gestures are all I have; sometimes they must be grand in nature. And while I occasionally step over the line and into the world of the melodramatic, it si what I must do in order to communicate clearly and effectively.”

4Where the Red Fern Grows by Wilson Rawls

First Published: 1961

Plot Summary:
This is a novel of a heartwarming stroy from Billy who do anything to buy a couple of coonhounds, the intelligent dog who are trained to catch raccoons and as they bond goes through adventure and does chores together, even won the hunter championship. They live happily side by side everyday until one day a mountain lion appear.

Reason for You to Read This:
This is a simple story about the bonds between a pair of dog and their owner Billy, how they team up perfectly doing everything and their affection toward each other. And how Billy working so hard to be able to adopt them as his family are poor. It’s a wonder of childhood together with a pair of loving amazing dogs on the mountain. A perfect simple book for the dog lovers who will make you laugh in triumph yet cry together with it, until the end you will remember it for more years to come.

Best Quote:
“No, I’ll leave it open. He might come back.”

First Published: 2011

Plot Summary:
The author of this book is an international best selling author of the Dogs Never Lie About Love focuses on the course of cultural mythology, history, scientific reasearch, and his own experience regarding the coevolution relationshio between dogs and humans. To this day affection from dogs to its owner is unconditional and so devoted until the day they days, and how humans can’t help but love dogs after showered with such affection and adoration.

Reason for You to Read This:
This book will give a fresh look on the topics of dogs ownership and the true bond shared between. A best basis of better understanding the origins of dogs and human relationship. To such extend of the true companions in our lives. For the dog lovers this book will answer the question known by everybody but nobody bother to find out, is that how come dogs are so devoted and loyally unchanged and how come human cant help but deemed dogs as their true companions.

Best Quote:
“But there is one area where Benjy excels: he cannot stop loving. He loves all dogs, all humans, all cats, all rats, and all birds. He loves them equally and intesely.”

First Published: 2015

Plot Summary:
This book writes about the author own story as she suffers from bulimia, when she work at animal shelter where he cares for few dogs. This experience ultimately help her get over her disorder by getting such love and compassion, inspiration to heal, and the courage to forgive.

Reason for You to Read This:
There seem to be many human dog relationship that safe both of their life, mostly many dogs unconditional love have save their human companion to a better life. This memoir is no different, Shannon might have still suffer from bulimia if she were not working in the animal shelter. And how amazing by only the love and adoration of those dogs are able to heal her mentally.

Best Quote:
“No dogs are more persecuted or discriminated against that pit bulls, and no dogs have taught me more about resilience and forgiveness than they have.”

First Published: 2002

Plot Summary:
Suzanne Clothier is a self-proclaimed dog lover, she writes this wook based of her own experiences. She have an amazing insight on dogs and how their minds works, and provide perfect guidance to start dog training. From changing our dog misbehaviors and habits, to seeing the world from their natural point of view.

Reason for You to Read This:
This book will help you have a lifelong relationship with the dog you love, by dealing with them based on the author experience. You can isolate the cause of dog’s bad behavior and immediately figure out the solution. You also will have many tips and instruction to an effective training with faster result, and create a positive happy relationship with your dog.

Best Quote:
“It was not enough to watch animals, or even to touch them. I wanted to see their innermost workings, to be inside their minds, to see and feel and smell and hear the world as they did.”

Humans are blessed with such companion in dog, the only creature on earth that can show such unconditinal, devoted, selfless love. These twelve books will help you better understand ,create a better effective training with your dog, help you to treat your dog better, or appreciate them better. For those first timer, these twelve books will make you want to adopt a dog immediately.

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