8 Reasons You’re Always Tired and How to Fix it


Here are all the mistakes we make in everyday life without realizing it and how we can fix it.




If after lunch we take the classic abbiocco or you’re always tired, no matter what you do, the blame could be power, lacking some key nutrients, as well as a number of errors in the daily routine, which sometimes does not it even realizes.

Here are the eight reasons most common (and how to fix it).

To Err Power

The combination of protein, good fats and fiber provide the body with the energy it needs to stay active.

As a result, a possible shortage of these substances could result in greater fatigue during the day. What to do: ensure each meal the right mix of protein (derived from lean meat, eggs and beans), good fats (as avocados, olives and walnuts) and carbohydrates (whole grains, fruits and vegetables).


2 to err power

Being Pessimists

see the glass half empty is always exhausting and consumes physical and mental energy . “Pessimists do not believe that their behavior is important in the face of challenges – says Michelle Gielan, founder of the Institute of Applied Positive Research – and this is a stressful thought, you can block them and prevent them to take positive action.” By contrast, the optimists believe that it is necessary to take the initiative to succeed and this encourages their positive productive energy. The confirmation in a study at the University of Pennsylvania, which has shown how optimistic sellers exceed colleagues pessimists by 37%. What to do: learn to solve creative problems, listing all the possible solutions, to help the brain to be more active.

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3 relax-at-home-compressor

Slightly Moving

Research conducted on a group of students and published in PLoS One found that those who were running low intensity three times a week felt less tired after six weeks compared to who did not exercise. What to do: after dinner, rather than engage in a little exhausting activities, such as watching TV, reading or doing online shopping, try to consider a stroll or a course in the gym.


4 slightly Moving

Overdoing Sugar

is not true that sugar = energy , because if the sugar in question comes from sweet or carbonated beverages, the result is quite an abrupt fall in blood sugar , which is an adverse effect on the organism, increasing fatigue . What to do: the aim is to limit the consumption of added sugars to no more than 10% of daily calories, so it is always advisable to read the warning labels, with attention to items which denote the sugar synonyms (and maybe They may be misleading).


Being Dehydrated

According to research published in Nutrition Reviews, being thirsty is a symptom of dehydration and this condition, although perhaps slight, can adversely affect the concentration and responsiveness, as confirmed by a second study, this one published in the journal Physiology & Behavior. What to do: drink at least eight glasses of water a day, remembering to increase the amount if you exercise or is especially hot.

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6 eeping badly

Sleeping Badly

The quality of sleep is just as important as the number of hours you sleep, and the confirmation comes from a study published in the journal Sleep : volunteers woke up eight times per night for two nights consecutive and in fact showed a mood worsened in 31 % of cases compared to people who, while falling asleep later, were not awake during sleep and so did record a mood down only in 12% of cases. What to do: try to go to bed at the usual time, following the rituals that promote sleep, such as drinking a Camilla or read a few pages of a book. Once in bed, making the environment surrounding the less noisy as possible, then holding at a safe distance phone (or anyway in “silent” mode and turned upside down, so that light from the screen does not give discomfort), and close the shutters. “During the night the muscles rest and regenerate, and the brain performs many functions recovery,” it says Professor Zlatan Krizan, a professor of psychology at Iowa State University.


7 Suffering-from-allergies-com

Suffering from Allergies

The allergies are the cause of inflammation which, in turn, causes insomnia and other disturbance no less annoying. “The inflammation is caused due to an internal imbalance, caused by the excessive production of those same chemicals normally produced by the body to fight infection – explains Dr. Erich P. Voigt, head of the Department of Otolaryngology of the Langone Medical center of New York University – and this swelling in the lungs can also limit the absorption of oxygen, so going to affect the quality of sleep, which not only worsens fatigue but can even lead to depressive symptoms. ” What to do: “it is virtually impossible to avoid allergens such as dust mites and pollen, you may want to consider taking specific medications for allergies,” always suggests Voigt.


8 Being-deficient-in-iron

Being Deficient in Iron

Iron helps red blood cells to carry oxygen through the body, but when this step does not occur in the right way because there is a deficiency of this mineral, here you feel tired and exhausted more should. What to do: try to take the iron from foods of animal origin (which are absorbed better by the body); Vegetarians and vegans can instead take it from beans, leafy vegetables and fortified cereals, but, however, must combine these with other foods rich in vitamin C, to increase the absorption of the mineral.

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