How to Remove the Belly in a Short Time

Discover how to remove your tummy and hips in a short time with diet and exercises aimed at strengthening the abdominals


In front of the mirror you look at yourself with guilt (maybe after the holiday season) and you think: how to take off your tummy ? If it has happened to you not to feel an alien, know what happens to the majority of people. Obviously the answer lies in the sacrifice, but we can suggest some methods on how to remove the belly in a short time , with exercises that will also help you understand how to take off the soft stomach .

1) Increase the cardio – Even if you do not exercise every day there is one thing that is really fundamental: increase the heart rate. The cardio can help burn a lot of calories in one routine and as a result can burn fat throughout the body, including the most troubling of the belly.

2) Contracting the abs – One of the easiest ways is to contract them for 10-15 seconds, release them and relax. Try doing this exercise at least 4 times a day and you will notice incredible results. The good news is that you can do this anywhere: at work or when you are in line at the supermarket.

3) Drink 10 to 12 glasses of water a day – It can be difficult to drink enough water every day, but you need to stay hydrated. The water moisturizes, releases toxins from the body and helps to reduce swelling (so excellent remedy to remove the swollen belly ). You have to drink 10 to 12 glasses of water a day to make it a habit so you can have a flat tummy and abdominals sculpted without the need for special equipment.

4) Leave the sugar – Refined sugar, which is usually found in cakes, biscuits, and in more elaborate foods, can cause swelling and is not good for your health. Sugar is addictive and we know how difficult it is to leave. However, if you want to improve your health and have sculpted abs, you must eliminate sugar from your diet.

5) Doing push – ups – Push -ups are one of the most effective exercises for the overall strength of the body and can also help sculpt the abs. Worried about maintaining a correct movement, with the body in a straight line from head to toe. Start with 30-40 seconds, and then try to gradually increase the time. No device or machine is needed to reach sculpted abs. Just try and see the results!

6) Doing more abdominal exercises – Oblique flexures and abdominals are just some of the most effective exercises that help you lose belly fat and sculpt your abs. To achieve your goal, try to do more abdominal exercises and be sure to stick to a clean diet and lead an active life.

7) Avoiding snacks late at night – Being up late watching things on the Internet or watching your favorite TV show can make you opt for unhealthy snacks. And even if you eat healthy snacks at night, you can still grow your belt without realizing it. Begin to go to bed first to avoid snacks at night and lose abdominal fat. Nighttime snacks can ruin the diet and even disturb sleep at night.

8) Correct posture – Maintaining proper posture helps maintain muscle tone, achieved through exercise. This completes the program that allows you to sculpt the abdomen. In fact you should try to involve the abdominal muscles while performing other exercises for other parts of the body such as the exercises for the arms, trying to always keep the abdominal muscles contracted. This allows you to keep the tone. Finally, to maintain health in general, some bad habits should be avoided, which hinder the program aimed at sculpting and toning the abdomen. Goodbye beer and goodbye coffee!

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