16 Secrets Of Seriously Couples Have a Fulfilled Sex Life

Gabriela Marin, a relationship specialist, believes there are at least 10 common things that couples have a good sex life.


Couples can build an extraordinary relationship both in the bedroom and outside, through simple things like love, caring, emotional safety, or even simple open talks about how they like it or not to make love, explains sexologist Gabriela Marin.

In the opinion of the couple’s relationship specialist, people tend to find the most complicated answers to a simple question like “What do I have to do to please my partner?”, And most of the time I choose the more intricate way. “In reality, the answer is much simpler than we could imagine, and dedication is the shortest road to happiness in the couple. I have noticed that many partners are trying to impress their partner by appealing to all kinds of outside things, when in fact everything that the other wants is attention and a quality time spent together, “explains sexologist Gabriela Marin .

10 things that couples have a good love life

After more than 15 years of experience, with thousands of people in the cabinet, Gabriela Marin, the pairing specialist, believes there are at least 10 common things that couples have a good sex life:

  1. They love and often say this
  2. I make erotic life a priority and do not treat this aspect of their life as the last of a very long list of issues
  3. I know what triggers the erotic side to the other
  4. He resolves the conflicts without remaining upset, easily forgiving the other
  5. They are kissing passionately for no reason and are physically close, even in public
  6. They make romantic surprise gifts and often embrace themselves
  7. They are good friends and have fun together
  8. I speak openly about their sex life, what they like, how they like it and what they want
  9. They set up romantic weekly meetings and go together on romantic holidays
  10. I make any transformation consciously (This transformation implies the frequent straightening of attention to the other, through love and affection, for a better physical and emotional connection)

6 things that couples do with a disastrous sex life

“On the other hand, as a logical consequence, couples who work less on their relationship spend less time together with quality. very stressed couples, who worry about everything and anytime, are more likely to fail in their couple’s life, and all of this has repercussions primarily on sexual life. And if sexual life is not fulfilled, it is possible that many other elements from which their life is composed will collapse one after another, such as the effect of a domino, “explains psychologist Gabriela Marin.

In the opinion of the specialist, there are at least 6 common things that couples who have an unbalanced sex life and are unhappy with their couple:

  1. I spend very little time together in a normal week
  2. They seem to make any priority, less of their relationship
  3. He focuses heavily on career, business (he) or children (she)
  4. They disconnect from one another and lead parallel lives
  5. Most talk about the lists of things they have to deal with
  6. They have no will and desire to focus on the partner / partner.

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