10 Things Couple Has to do Before Getting Married


Love, ah love … always comes without asking. Sometimes they come with everything, uncontrollable, causing those involved to die of love instantly. Those who suffer from this strand are capable of great madness , kind of American movie stuff, even!

Another type of love is the one that appears in a water bath, and takes care of everything little by little. Couples who fall in love so slowly are the targets of ” cliche cliché” , create mellow playlists and love love poems.

Regardless of the source of your relationship, you must go through the checklist of the 10 essential things a couple has to do before they get married!


couple has to do before getting married
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1. Travel together

The best test drive of all. First, because you go with the pre-disposition to have fun and will be able to put up with some hitherto unknown manias of the companion. Traveling together also connects the couple, not only by the adaptability they suffer together, but also by the harmony they create when it comes to organizing, budgeting and enjoying vacations.

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2. Sex, sex, sex

We are in the XXI century and it is already time for sex to stop being taboo, especially if the person in question is the perfect candidate to marry. Starting from the premise that you have had intimate moments, it is time to analyze if it is really with this person that you will want to spend the rest of your lifehaving sex.

Answer the following questions:

  • Did you like it?
  • Did you feel free?
  • Do you think that when you do not feel like it, he / she will get it right?
  • Has he / she been attentive to your pleasure?

If all the answers were positive then yes, you are with the likely candidate to spend years and years having love and sex. Point for you!

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3. Get to know each other’s families

Family, family, mom, dad, auntie … Remember that you are the novelty, not them, so interact, overcome shame and fear. Think of a football game in which your love is the coach and will do everything to make you part of the team, but you will have to try, it is no use going and staying in the audience. And if dealing with your future husband / wife is inevitable, you have to play and score a GOL!

4. Be friends with his friends. 

The friends of our love are your second family, so get to know them well and make friends with them because you will probably get along with them a lot in your life. First, at the weekend ballads, at home dinners and when you have kids, do not hesitate, your schedules will include friends and their children, since if you have children too, you will want to get even more with couples with children!

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5. Shopping together

Another myth of our day-to-day life that has ended (if ever there was one): this prototype of relationship where the woman is a compulsive buyer and the man sits with a face of lettuce waiting for her to leave the store. Many  men love to go shopping. Be it gourmet clothes, records, books, or food to make that special lunch. You will spend many hours together and share tastes and hobbies, which will unite you even more.

6. Know the HANDS of each one

Everyone has some weird habit or habit , one that probably annoys someone at some point. Maybe you’re the one who spends 45 minutes in the bath,  has a compulsion to buy records , is super disorganized, or eats egg with farofa every morning. Whatever your manias and those of the other, it is important to know what they are and learn to live with them soon enough not to be taken by surprise.

7. Find out which are the HOBBIES  of the other

“Instead of finding someone to share my tastes, I’d rather find a partner who shows me things I did not know I liked,” said the German philosopher F. Nietzsche.

having different hobbies
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The hobbies are the more playful part of each person, is the way the other having fun, get out of the routine and are happy. Of course having common hobbies is the maximum, since it allows you to spend more time together. On the other hand, having different hobbies can be super enriching, since any of you can introduce the other in this new world and besides spending time together, surprise. So find out EVERYTHING you like before you get married and then discover new hobbies together .

8. Going to a wedding together

It can be enlightening. Oh really! When the opportunity arises to go to a wedding together, there is also the possibility of giving an opinion and discover how they would like it to be yours. From the wedding type (civil or religious) to the decor, buffet style, everything one prefers. Other marriages also help you understand each other’s intentions and how to deal with them …

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9. Dance until dawn

A break-up party with your love! Arrive early, be the first couple to start dancing and follow the whole party dancing a lot, sweating, dancing separately, dancing together, having fun on the dance floor until dawn . This experience will make you discover whether the other is a good party partner or not. Ever thought if you love a celebration, it’s a tremendous waltz and your fiancé hates to dance and spend the whole night sitting? Take the test!

10. If possible, live together

Fireproof! Nowadays it is more and more common to see couples going to live together before they get married. The truth is that the experience is super valid, after all it is not the same thing to plan the weekend, that pay all bills on time at the end of the month. If coexistence is healthy it is because it is more than proven that you have been made for each other. Celebrate!

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If you have managed to put at least seven of the 10 essential things that you have to do before marrying in your checklist , you can go by marking the date of the wedding because the possibility of you being a spectacular couple exceeds 100%.

And if you’re on the way, do not miss: 
25 Super Inspirational Quotes about Love to Use in Your Wedding Vows
46 Most Popular Quotes for Wedding Invitations
50 Wonderful I Love You Quotes in The World

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