There are situations when the skin is in urgent need of assistance. As a rule, the signals it sends us from illness, winter-spring dehydration, stress, long stay in the tanning bed. Fortunately, at the disposal of modern cosmetology there is always one means lightning – collagen mask. How do they work and thereby provide such a rapid regenerating effect? This is what we told the dermatologist, Methodist Academy of Scientific Beauty Yuliya Kopetskaya.

The principle of operation of the collagen masks

Translated from the Greek word collagen means “glue” and “gene”. Though actually collagen – a protein located beneath the epidermis and which is a kind of frame that supports an upper layer of the skin under tension. Up to 25 years, until the body generously produces this protein, collagen fibers that support the shape of the face, is more than enough to ensure that the skin look supple and taut. But over time, the production of collagen decreases, and then the skin becomes atonic, oval face blurred. It is here that we come to the rescue and collagen masks, whose task to restore the skin’s moisture balance, regain its elasticity, smoothness and creaminess.

The active substance masks

For the production of collagen face masks used two types of animal and vegetable origin.

Animal collagen  (sheet) is a protein obtained from animal skin or fish. In its structure, the collagen is very similar to our native collagen, but its molecules are too large, and therefore can not penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin and restore the natural collagen levels there. But collagen mask able to attract water molecules, which are in the skin. This creates the effect of osmosis, causing the water molecules bind to and are retained within the skin, forming something like a breathable moisture saturation of the film, which, on the one hand, moisturizing aging skin, and on the other makes – its more elastic.

Vegetable collagen (dry) is made from seaweed. Vegetable collagen powder is mixed with active concentrated liquid immediately before the procedure and in the form of a gel applied to the skin. Such collagen is often a part of the biologically active agents, various serum vials. In contrast to animal collagen, marine collagen is a small water-soluble peptides which penetrate the epidermis, creating the attraction of the water molecules in the deeper layers of the skin.

And that is another kind of collagen is equally effective in enhancing skin tone. Therefore, the choice of components depends on the attendant problems that beautician trying to solve the complex.

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To suit collagen mask?

This treatment can be recommended absolutely all women.

In 16-20 years, the collagen mask is good as a general face care, elimination of seasonal peeling of the skin, improving the complexion.

In 20-30 years, this procedure can be the prevention of age-related skin changes.

In 35-45 years, collagen mask can serve as a means of first aid for aging skin, but also be used to keep maintaining it in good shape.

In 50-65 years a woman going through menopause, during which the skin can in a very short period of time lose their tone. As the ambulance means you can use collagen mask and serum (2 times per week), and in a short time to restore the skin’s elasticity.

How is the procedure

kollagenoterapii procedure lasts about one hour and consists of several stages.

The skin is cleansed of makeup. It is desirable that the cleaning cosmetics do not contain essential oils, so they leave on the surface of the horny layer thin greasy film that will block the action of collagen.

After cleansing the face apply moisturizing regenerating or ampoule.

Collagen sheet is then coated or Collagen serum. If this collagen sheet, then top cosmetologist applies activator (each company uses its substance, usually hyaluronic acid, floral water).

Activator impregnated sheet turns into a translucent collagen mask that is left for 20-40 minutes (depending on the manufacturer), and then wash off.

Next, the skin is dried dry cosmetic tissue and apply the cream (depending on the skin needs).

How often to perform the procedure?

Collagen mask can be used as seasonal procedure, such as summer and winter withdrawal when the skin loses moisture as a result of frost, wind, sun. Then the procedure is carried out 1-2 times a month.

If the task beautician revive mature that has lost elasticity of the skin, then assigned an active course of 1-2 months to 2 times a week. After that the monthly maintenance kollagenoterapiya.

Side effects

There are no contraindications in collagen masks. They are suitable for all skin types, with any degree of maturity. The only caveat – in women prone to puffy face, collagen mask can cause a slight swelling, which will completely disappear in 20-30 minutes after the procedure.

Procedure cost:  on average from 200 to 1000 hryvnia (depending on the preparations).

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