12 Books Is An Indulgence That Definitely Worth Every Penny
The best way to know more about women is by reading the most popular books by women itself. This twelve books are the epitome of modern strong women nowadays, with theme and plot relatable with their lifes. What better way than to sit in a comfy chair at home wih a cup of tea and reading these novel genre to forget all the stress and relax, you might even found solution in these novels to your problems in daily life.
12Bossypants by Tina Fey

Plot Summary:
Tina Fey was just a girl with a dream to be a TV comedian, today she is the “Liz Lemon”, stars of Saturday night live, known comedian worldwide in TV series and movies, even attend the Grammys, Tonys, and Oscars. This book is about her real life story, her past as the vicious nerd, her career in Saturday Night Live, her personal goal to physical beauty in a comedic way, collage romance, and her honeymoon. And her personal believe of “you’re no one until someone calls you bossy.”
Reason you should read this:
This is a delightful novel to read as you follow real life account of Fey’s rise to fame, her determination and way of seeing the problems you will face in chasing your dream. Reading this will inspire women to bravely follow your dream, especially because it’s written with truthfull and comical style.
Best quote:
“Some people say, “Never let them see you cry.” I say, if you’re so mad you could just cry, then cry. It terrifies everyone.”
11Are You There, Vodka? It’s Me, Chelsea[Mini Edition] by Chelsea Handler

Plot Summary:
Chelsea Handler publishes this collection of her past stories of her real life, consists of hilarious account about family, relationships, and carreer. Like when she convinced her third grade class that she will play prominent character in Private Benjamin sequel or when she fool alot of parents to think he is old enough to be babysittr, the prison break, bladder stone, and many more other outrages yet comical situations.
Reason you should read this:
If you’re into the sarcastic, humorous, and unrefined stories with a pinch of indecency then this is what you should get. A good book with crazy stories, with dark humor and plenty of laughter. A solid prove which put Chelsea Handler to the position of the best comedian as she is.
Best quote:
“I went out with a guy who once told me I didn’t need to drink to make myself more fun to be around. I told him, I’, drinking so that you’re more fun to be around.”
10Sex and the City by Candace Bushnell

Plot Summary:
Carrie Bradshaw a writer of a column about love in New York, with inspiration from her and her three best friends experiences dating and looking for “the one”. it also celebrated the theme of woman being financially independent, and their friendship with each other as the support core.
Reason you should read this:
This book has been adapted to the most watched TV series and has been celebrated until today. It is an empowering book for women to the tips of relationships which the four girls faced despite their different character and occupation, how they are financially independent, friendship over man, all the way getting their place and pursue the carrier they are passionate with, to just having fun with their girls. All in all a perfect book for all woman who in this modern days.
Best quote:
“Maybe mistakes are what make our fate… without them what would shape our lives? Maybe if we had never veered off course we wouldnt fall in love, have babies, or be who we are. After all, things change, so do cities, people come into your life and they go. But it’s comforting to know that the ones you love are always in your heart… and if you’re very lucky, a plane ride away”
9High Maintenance by Jennifer Bell

Plot Summary:
Liv Kellerman just left her husband and their fabulous penthouse with Empire State Building view, and move to a crumbling Greenwich Village shack to set her plans for the future. She then do what she do best, selling real estate as her sharp eye for prime properties and her selling abilities soon enough she is amongst the top brokers with bigger larger project. But there is only one goal she is after, a place where she could call a hom?
Reason you should read this:
This chick lit is a very exiting and wity, featuring the main character tough character to adore, and seemingly the hot properties on the market to add to your knowledge. For you who love real estate and mix with wild, funny, a little sad, and daring theme, this is the chick lit you’re looking for.
Best quote:
“The question was who would be forced to leave the apartment- me or Jack?”
8Jemima J: A Novel About Ugly Ducklings and Swans by Jane Green

Plot Summary:
The overweight Jemima is living a life of missery, her roommates treated her badly, bossed around by her colleague in Killburn Herald, could only secretly admire Ben, with only food to comfort her. When she meet Brad online, she pretend to be JJ the slim, gorgeous, gym addict girl. Trouble comes when Brad wants to meet her, that’s when she decide to go all the way becoming the perfect JJ.
Reason you should read this:
Jemima J is the critics to the reality of woman with beauty which is treated superior than the unattractive one. It reveals the power of woman will to be the kind of person she always wanted by overcoming her addiction to pursue love yet attaining lesson in the way beyond her destination. It is a fun read with fast pace that sure will make read to the last page.
Best quote:
“Sometimes in life, you have to make things happen. That you can change your life if you’re willing to let go of the old and actively look for the new. That evenn if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit here.”
7Chasing Harry Winston by Lauren Weisberger

Plot Summary:
Emmy, Leigh and Adriana are almost thirty, being friends since college they have been there for each other through every ups and downs. Even they each are successful and live in luxuries, they are all single on the Valentine’s Day so they make a pact to change their lives in one year. Emmy want to find romance in every country she visits, Leigh aiming for the dreamy Jesse, Adriana to be engaged and a home in Scarsdale. They eagerly act for the future they want and then everything goes wrong.
Reason you should read this:
This bubbly stories of three woman in the elite lifestyle world, will sweep you of your feet with the marvelous luxury and a story to be a lesson when a pact bring their friendship to the test.
Best quote:
“Focus on yourself — do what you want, when you want, without having to consider anyone else’s agenda.”

Plot Summary:
Heather used to be a pop idol, a recording contract, a boyfriend, and life savings, until one day her mother runaway with her money to Argentina everything went spiraling down. She lose everything and even gain a dress size to 12, forced to take a job as assistant dorm director of New York’s top college. As if everything is not worse enough, one day a female student under her residence hall discovered dead and the police write it off as accident though she notice something weird. So when more students found dead, she decide to be a detective that might claim her life as well.
Reason you should read this:
This novel highlight on the society obsession with weigh loss and ironically also the obliviance to such situation might be fatal. Yet it could be example as Heather the succesful idol when downsized to a mere assistant of dorm director and lose every comfort of glamour still persist on living in high spirit and move on to make the best of her situation.
Best quote:
“and standing before me a bloodied bottle of Absolut in her hand, is Mrs. Allington, her pink jogging suit drenched, her chest heaving, her eyes filled with contempt as she stared down at Rachel’s prone body. Mrs. Allinton shakes her head. “I’m a size twelve,” she says.”
5In Her Shoes: A Novel by Jennifer Weiner

Plot Summary:
Two very different sister, Rose Feller thirty years old with successful career as lawyer with possible relationship with Jim the senior partner of her firm and Maggie Feller the very attractive, immature, drinker, smoker, unemployed, and always stole her sister money. But they have one in common, it is their shoe size are the same and their childhood tragedy. When Maggie have to stay with Rose as she got nowhere else to go and sleep with Jim, trigger something to happen and reveal the truth of their past and show they’re more alike and bring them closer than ever.
Reason you should read this:
For you who have a sister, this book might relate to you. Sometimes we just fight with our sibling or even thought we don’t have anything in common. It even has been adapted to a movie with Toni Collette and Cameron Diaz as the sisters with positive critics and the book is even better.
Best quote:
“People are like that. They can only give you what they have inside. So if this Sydelle character is giving you so much trouble, it’s because she’s nothing but trouble on the inside. She’s just delivering what’s in her heart into the universe.”
4The Nanny Diaries: A Novel by Emma Mclaughlin

Plot Summary:
The Nanny is struggling to graduate form NYU and pay her studio apartment, she must take care of a four year old boy from a wealthy family in sixteen hour shift and in between also must endure be treated with low respect yet make sure the Mrs. X have a smooth nice day. But when the X’s marriage begin to crumble she must involved way more than she prefer for the sake of the boy.
Reason you should read this:
The authors are in fact former nannies for Manhattan’s upper society, so the diary is basically are their own experiences with splash of humor. To read this will be an eye opener for he real life behind the glamour and elite lifestyle of Manhattan upper society and the consquences their children must also bear at such young age.
Best quote:
“And he doesn’t care what you’re wearing or what you’ve brought him. He just wants you there. Wanting him. And time is running out. He won’t love you unconditionally that much longer. And soon he won’t love you at all.”
3The Undomestic Goddess by Sophie Kinsella

Plot Summary:
Samantha Sweeting is a prestigous lawyer that after making a horrible mistake and ruin her career goes to meltdown, walking out of her office in London absentmindedly get on the train and end up lost. When she ask for a direction at the big gorgeous house they mistook her for housekeeping job interview. When she end up hired she just have to go through with it and with her unable to do any housework this means chaos and panic for her until she finally get the hang of it and unexpectedly even find love. But her past is catching up to her and might ruin her new happy life.
Reason you should read this:
This book will inspire every woman outhere who is having the struggle when your life turn upside down, you could sulk and despair or be like Samantha make use with what opportunity she have and even though face with the unknown territory to never give up.
Best quote:
“There’s no such thing as ruining your life. Life’s a pretty resilient thing, it turns out.”
2The Princess Diaries Complete Collection: Books 1-10 by Meg Cabot

Plot Summary:
Mia Thermopolis is an ordinary girl in ninth grade lives in Greenwich Village with her single mother the semi famous painter. Until one day her father reveal he is a prince of Genovia a small country in Europe, and Mia his only daughter is to be crown princess. Then her life have to change forever as paparazzi follows her everywhere, she is surrounded by bodyguard, she must go through the dreadfull training and grooming to be “great princess” from her grandmother, and to top it all her best friend refuse to talk to her.
Reason you should read this:
This book has been adapted to movie with Anne Hathaway playing Mia and Julie Andrews as grandmother the Queen with praising and many fans worldwide. So the book is even more interesting as it is much more detailed and more raw with the heartfelt scribble of a teenager.
Best quote:
“Courage is not the absence of fear but rather the judgement that something is more important than fear; The brave may not live forever but the cautious do not live at all.”

Plot Summary:
Becky Bloomwood live in the prestigous London’s flat, glamorous socialite friends, closet full with the high end brand of fashion must haves but she actually can’t afford it. She writes for Successful Saving magazine with small pay and she even hate her job. When banks starting sending her letters with huge amount of debt she can’t pay, she tries to cut back but at the end the only thing that could comfort her is shopping and more shopping. So when she drunk writing an article made anonymous made it to front page, her life change.
Reason you should read this:
This novel of Sophie Kinsella is so successful and popular that it has been made series with different theme followin Becky life and her still persisting knack of shopping. Every woman who love reading chick lit must know this book, and Sophia ability to slip humour on the novel is well liked for.
Best quote:
“I love new clothes. If everyone could just wear new clothes everyday, I reckon depression wouldn’t exist anymore.”