Bikini Operation: 15 Golden Rules For Weight Loss With Head

In the months leading up to the summer, the main goal is to bid farewell to overweight


These sunny days of March are giving us an advance of the spring that is about to arrive. But, in addition, we have been warned of one thing: you have to get down to work with the ‘ bikini operation ‘! Always punctual, it comes back to occupy our minds when we launch the spring with the aim of wearing a ’10 body’ in the beach months. That’s why we are going to help you, because we do not want you to enter the rush to lose those extra pounds that have settled during the winter months. And is that, although there is a purpose to lose weight, most always wait until the last moment and that is when you run the risk of falling into diets and miracle products, even compromising health.

And experts insist: to lose weight and maintain it in the long term, The only way that has proven to be truly effective is to follow a varied and balanced diet accompanied by some physical activity . Contrary to what many people think, it is not necessary to make big sacrifices or go hungry, just follow a series of basic guidelines. The dietetic and nutrition specialists of the Obesity Unit of Clinica Medica Medica, summarize the 15 most important rules to lose weight successfully without putting at risk health.

1. Are there prohibited foods ? We should not exclude any large food groups (hydrates, proteins and fats). The key is balance and moderation.

2. The goal of any diet to lose weight is to consume less than what the body spends , To create a caloric deficit. A nutrition specialist will be able to determine the number of daily kcal that our body needs from data such as sex, height, weight and level of physical activity.

3. Exercise, fundamental. Cardiovascular exercises such as brisk walking, cycling or running are the most effective way to eliminate excess fat.

4. Empty calories? No thanks! A diet of thinning should not be based on restriction, but should avoid as far as possible those foods that have no nutritional value and therefore, do not imply any benefit to our body such as industrial pastries, alcohol, Sweetened soda …

5. Is being on a diet implies going hungry? Not necessarily. Many associate being on a diet with starving, but it should not be. The key is not so much in quantity, but in the quality of food. You have to know how to choose and always opt for those low-calorie foods.

6. The diet should be sustainable over time. If we want to lose weight and keep the results in the future, we should not understand diet as a special way of eating for a specific period, but as a change of habits for a lifetime .

7. Eye with drinks! We tend to pay close attention to what we eat, but we forget that drinks are also a major source of calories . Maximize the consumption of fruit juices, soft drinks, alcoholic beverages, milkshakes, etc. All sum.

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8. Being caring does not mean having to give up meetings with friends and family. In all the bars and restaurants offer lighter alternatives, such as salads, vegetable-based dishes, grilled fish …
Ask for the sauces and dressings aside, for dessert choose fruit and dress with the bread. That is all!

9. The number of daily intakes will be determined by the individual needs of each. If your body asks you to eat every few hours, make smaller but more frequent meals including a snack in the middle of the morning and one in the afternoon, for example. Remember that you should not go hungry.

10. Applies the law of compensation . If you have spent a bit on food, for example, Try to dine lighter so that slip does not affect the total daily calories.

11. Do not skip meals. The only thing that you will get is to arrive with a ferocious hunger to the next intake and to destroy everything. You will get the opposite effect.

12. The key to a successful diet? The constancy . To get results, you have to be perseverant. Only the sum of many well-done days will bring you closer to your ultimate goal. But if one day we fail the best is to make a new account.

13. Do not be in too much of a hurry to get results. They say that how fast it goes, fast comes back and it’s true. It is better to get rid of the kilos little by little , letting the body adapt and become to its new situation, So that the weight loss is stable and lasting.

14. Is it hunger what you feel? Many times we eat for anxiety , for boredom, to reward us for a bad drink … Food is the food of our body, not our soul and we must detach it from feelings.

15. Enjoy what you eat. Healthy eating does not have to be boring . Mix, experiment, create and taste. You’ll be surprised! Healthy eating does not have to be boring . Mix, experiment, create and taste. You’ll be surprised! Healthy eating does not have to be boring . Mix, experiment, create and taste. You’ll be surprised!

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