Best Way To Self-Love : How To Marry You In 5 Steps

How to be in perfect communication with your spiritual guides!


I told you in a previous article how marriage with herself – a popular practice lately but centuries old – helped EJ Love to have a better relationship with herself and find her right partner. At Awakened Woman Convergence in Arizona, EJ led such a ceremony for nearly 100 participants. Here are the steps you need to follow if you are ready for this step in your life.

1. Find a witness

Ideally, your best friend or a person around you who feels comfortable, well in your skin, with whom you can be authentic. PS – Normally, if you are ready to marry yourself, it means you have reached that stage where you can be authentic around everyone.

2. Choose a suitable place

Ideally in the middle of nature. But if weather does not allow you, in a space, even at home, you can decorate it for this ceremony in such a way as to inspire love and harmony. You can use pink quartz crystals, petals of roses, scented chopsticks, meditation music. You can even choose a song that symbolizes your marriage to yourself.

3. Prepare yourself

Do so that on the day of the ceremony you present yourself and feel yourself the best, most wonderful and most worthy version of yourself. Before that, take care of your body and soul. Go to SPA, practice meditation and yoga, choose clothes where you feel good and where you like what you look like.

4. Write your vows

Write on paper what you love about yourself. Start with “I love because I am” and then continue with what you love about yourself. Also make a list of your promises to yourself. You can promise to love, to respect you, to feed your body with quality food. You know best what suits you.

5. Enjoy the ceremony

During the ceremony, you will use a mirror. You will have the vows looking into your eyes. It is an emotional and profound moment during which it is possible to shed some tears. If so, do not be afraid or ashamed. It’s perfectly normal. You’ve probably never been closer to yourself. Your best friend or witness is there to support you, to filming the ceremony, and later to remind you of the promise you made yourself. At the beginning of the ceremony, you can invoke your spiritual guides to guide you. Spend the rest of your day enjoying your own company, doing what you like.

Marriage with you alone will not prevent you from getting married to the man of your dreams. On the contrary, it will allow you to enter into that relationship as a complete being, master of yourself, aware of what she wants, fulfilled and happy.


When people hear that your marrying yourself they thinks it’s crazy but it’s perfectly normal. Marrying yourself is not a contract it’s a vow that you will keep in your heart till the day you find that perfect person, Preparing yourself for the real thing. A friend or a relative that you know will support you and not call you crazy, that is the best person to witness your vow to yourself. Marrying  yourself is not a bad thing it’s just you a mirror and your emotion letting go and accepting yourself.  


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