The 8 Gestures to Adopt for an Awakening In Beauty

Whether we fall asleep alone or accompanied, we all want to leave the arms of Morpheus without a fault to report. But if beauty miracles do not exist, we can still count on some ultra-natural tips that will facilitate our morning routine. From the ancestral trick to the essential products, here are eight gestures to adopt (at bedtime and at sunrise) to feel beautiful as soon as you wake up.


The evening :
1. Removing make-up: Yes, it has been heard since the dawn of time, but it is truly one of the keys that will open the sacred doors of beauty sleep *. No excuses that do not hold, even after a late evening or a busy day, it takes ten minutes to remove make-up . And even if no trace of make – up is made , it is important to know that this step also helps to get rid of impurities accumulated throughout the day (pollution and dust in the head).

2. Hydrating the skin : Same fighting as before: hydration is essential. Whether you use a high-end product or a more basic cream, the essential thing remains to perform this gesture daily, morning and evening. The skin, then rested, gains in firmness and offers a much more fresh complexion . Bonus malin: with epidermis well hydrated, finished the small acne pimples.

3. Tying the hair: Loose, of course. Avoid at all costs the involuntary facelift , and skull sickness close to hell, which could be unfortunately caused by a bun too pulled. A braid or a tail of a low horse will do the trick, and minimize the knots at the rising. As a bonus, pretty ripples for those whose hair does not fall three seconds after the styling …

4. Opting for a pillowcase in satin: A good excuse to succumb to our princess desires, it turns out that sleeping on satin or silk is better for the epidermis (face side like scalp). This fabric does not absorb the creams, nor the sebum – and therefore does not dry the skin. Even better, it does not crush it and slows down the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.

5. Going to bed early: Rather than watching Gray’s Anatomy’s 8th episode in season 5, we decided to go to sleep before 11pm. Unlike our uncle’s jokes here, it is the longest nights which are the best (hypodermically speaking, of course). The cells are cleaned and then repaired for a glaring result the next morning.

The morning :
6. Apply an ice cube on its dark circles: After you have managed to emerge from our sleep more or less deep, it is time to tackle our morning routine. For if the night performs miracles on the side of beauty, two small areas under our eyes are still resisting our hard will to eradicate them. The natural solution? Arm yourself with an ice cube covered with a soft cloth and pass it gently on our dark circles. The circulation of the blood is stimulated and the eye almost immediately deflated.

7. Protect and hydrate your face with the Hydro Effect Serum : Ideal to intensely moisturize the skin and protect it from daily aggressions like pollution, this treatment comes to act as a shield on our face. Enriched with natural products (organic algae, aloe vera, natural hyaluronic acid , natural antioxidants), the Hydro Effect Serum is the secret of a fresh and radiant complexion.

How to use it ? In the morning, it is applied to a perfectly clean skin. Some small circular massages will help the penetration of the product. Finally, we finish our beauty routine with a classic moisturizer.
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8. Head your hair upside down: Last tip, we lean our head forward and we gently brush our mane, from the neck to the forehead and then from the sides to the top – and this to the tips ends. Styling in this way gives an incomparable volume and also allows the roots to take off for a healthier hair. We prefer a long brushing , about one minute.

100% natural and easy to follow tips that revolutionize our evening rituals, like in the morning, and guarantee a beautiful awakening. We adopt without hesitation!

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