10 Attitudes that Make Women (even more) Attractive


What does a man look for in a woman? Being feminine, having a sense of humor … here are the 10 attitudes that will make men crack for sure.




Attractive women, those who capsize the hearts of men and make them lose all their means do not become by chance. Being feminine is above all an attitude, and it goes through many details such as having pretty hands, tights not spun and speak distinctly, without saying big words.


2Invite him once in a while

Women also know how to please and offer. Inviting someone to dinner should not be exclusively male. You can, once in a while, adjust the bill. No doubt this little attention should please Monsieur. These small intentions prove that you hold on to him and that you do not live on Monsieur’s hooks since you too are giving him presents.



Difficult to make a comment without the discussion turns to vinegar? A woman who is vexed for nothing is immediately less attractive to a man. While a smiling woman, who knows how to laugh at herself, it’s ultra sexy!


4To know how to hold

Who says restaurant, cinema or bar, also says public place where one must behave in a certain way. Men prefer women who know how to stand in public, who remain discreet, do not speak too loudly and who do not try to be noticed too much.



Men love women who assert themselves and trust them when they come to flirt with them. Do not be shy! Impose and let your femininity speak.


6To be cultivated

Ladies, know that being attractive is not just about physics. An intelligent and cultured woman is always more exciting for a man.There is nothing more sexy for a man than to see his wife put on her shirt when she jumps out of bed.


7The fragility

If men like smart women, they also appreciate being asked for a helping hand because it awakens their manly side.


8To renew oneself in love and sexuality

Planned sex is not sexy. Because there are a thousand and one ways to make Mr. curtain climb, do not hesitate to try new positions, to find other ways to spice up your antics.


9Wear red

Ladies, if you want a man to fall for you, dress in red. In any case, this is what you are told by researchers at the University of Rochester, in the United States. Women in red are the eyes of men more attractive and sexually desirable. Show him life in red!

Beautiful, funny, intelligent … What makes a woman irresistible? Here are the 10 attitudes that make you (even more) attractive!

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