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There are occasions when feeling hungry has little to do with a real need for food. So that’s something to be (very) distant

Typically, you eat because you are hungry. But there are occasions when feeling hungry has little to do with a real need for food and is rather an unconscious response of the brain to a stimulus devious and deceitful, that drives him to storm the pantry and eat more, too if it has not really hungry. To not fall into temptation (and then they find themselves with a few extra pounds), the site Health has made the list of 6 things to which you should stay away.

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1. The cooking transmissions

Who is in search of culinary inspiration should, however, avoid TV: to say it is a study of the Food and Brand Lab at Cornell University , who found that people who cook from scratch using recipes taken from broadcasts kitchen tend to weigh five pounds more than those who do not just look at these shows for fun, or not cook often.

According to the researchers, one possible explanation could be that often the dishes prepared on TV are not very healthy, which induces (wrongly) viewers think it is so wrong to indulge in less nutritious foods and abound with the portions.

2. The red and orange foods

explains the psychologist Susan Albers of the Cleveland Clinic, “people tend to unconsciously choose foods with bright colors, because they are convinced that contain higher amounts of vitamins and minerals.” Which is obviously good if you fill your plate fruits and vegetables, but it is definitely less if you opt for fatty foods and calories, such as nachos, which, while having the same color of oranges, but they are much less healthy.

3. The food parcels on the counter

not put away the groceries as soon as you return from the grocery store or leave any of leftover food boxes are dangerous temptations, because it is enough simply to see them to unleash an unprovoked appetite, which becomes difficult (and often impossible) to resist . One study has indeed confirmed that those who keep drinks and cereals in plain sight on the kitchen counter typically weighs less than 11 kg more than those who puts them in the pantry.

4. Other people who eat


Enough that someone at the table orders some food to unleash a domino effect on the rest of the diners, who will discover to have suddenly hungry even if it was not so. “That’s because we tend to agree with the rhythm of people eating around us, whether they are known or are strangers, and to be reflected in their behavior, to try to adapt to a situation and make it more reassuring,” underlines Use the psychologist.

5. Use large dishes

Serve food in large-size flat drives people to eat it all, even though they may have already satiated. It is the fault of the eyes, which play a trick on the brain, inducing him to think that the portions in a large plate are actually smaller than they appear. Not surprisingly, another study of the Food and Brand Lab at Cornell University showed how to serve the cereal in a bowl larger than normal induce people to consume 16% more than the usual amount.

6. A happy mood

Contrary to what one might think, are not only negative emotions push you to eat more, but also positive ones: some foods, such as chocolate, it triggers the brain responses neurochemical rewarding, pushing so to indulge in foods that help you to feel satisfied as long as possible. To top it off, when you feel good you are also more relaxed “and this condition leads people to be less vigilant daily caloric intake and then make them eat more,” concludes Dr. Albers.

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