50 Best Motivational Quotes to Succeed in Your Career

We've selected the best phrases for you to get inspired and reach your goals!


We’ve all gone through situations where what we plan does not happen as we expect, and our motivation begins to crumble. With this, everyday life often becomes the worst enemy of our desire to undertake and to be successful.

Therefore, it is important that you always have in your sleeve ways to self-motivate , so you can continue working with will and willingness.

You can take advantage of doing what you have always wanted to start all that was to be done on your list of goals from last year and that, for some reason, you still can not accomplish.

No matter what your goals are: make more money , change careers or simply spend more time with your family . We’ve prepared a list of 50 motivational phrases to help you succeed in your career.

These phrases, which have been spoken by successful entrepreneurs or great figures in history, are the little jerk you need when it all seems difficult.

So let’s go!

50 motivational Quotes not to be missed

We select motivational phrases that will help you mainly at work, but we are sure that they can also be useful for the other areas of your life.
How about reading one of these catchphrases every day?

1. “The most important ingredient is to get up and do something. It’s that simple. Many people have ideas, but few people decide to do anything today. And not tomorrow. Not next week. But today. The true entrepreneur acts instead of dreaming. ”
– Nolan Bushnell, entrepreneur.

You may have a great idea in your head that may be the beginning of a great deal that will change your life. But why not get to work? Stop dreaming your dreams, and start living them!

2. “When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the plane takes off against the wind, not in favor of it.”
– Henry Ford, founder of Ford Motor Company.
Henry Ford could not be more certain. It often seems that everything that happens to us goes against what we planned. And? Going against everything makes us stronger and more in love.

3. “I am convinced that half of what separates successful entrepreneurs from those who have failed is perseverance.”
– Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple.
One of the keys to distinguishing yourself from others is to keep trying, even if you have failed. Get up!

4. “No matter how slow you go, as long as you do not stop.”
– Confucius, Chinese philosopher.
The little things and the details are what make the difference. If you think everything is going too slow or what you hoped to have or accomplish is taking longer than expected, stay calm! The important thing is that you do not stop fighting for what you want.

5. “Do not worry about financing. Today, it’s cheaper to start a business than it ever was. ”
– Noah Everett, founder of Twitpic.
Do you want to undertake but have no resources or line of credit? This is not as bad as it sounds, and Noah Everett confirms this. Today, there are several ways to start a business without having to invest money .

6. “There’s only one way to start building your dream: stop talking and start doing it.”
– Walter Elias Disney, co-founder of the Walt Disney Company.
This is one of Walt Disney’s best-known success phrases. Your dreams can be more than words when you really start doing something for them.

7. “Only those who dare to have great failures end up achieving great successes.”
– Robert F. Kennedy, US attorney general.
Do you feel like you’ve failed? That phrase will go down like a glove, because even with the big failures you can learn something extraordinary that will help you achieve success.

8. “The pessimist complains about the wind, the optimist waits for him to change and the sage organizes the sails.”
– John Maxwell, writer.
Which of the three are you?

9. “An entrepreneur sees opportunities where others only see problems.”
– Michael Gerber, writer.
Open your mind a little and begin to see everything in a much more positive and optimistic way. You can find a success idea!

10. “Investing in knowledge always produces the best benefits.”
– Benjamin Franklin, diplomat.
Never fail to learn something new every day . Discovering news is a great way to keep your curiosity about the world and to fully enjoy the little surprises of everyday life.

11. “90% of success is simply based on insisting.”
– Woody Allen, filmmaker.
And never give up! If you believe in your dreams, fight for them!

12. “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”
– Eleanor Roosevelt, human rights defender.
And of those who are willing to fight for them!

13. “Get close to positive, healthy people. Never let an idiot depress you. ”
– Michael Bloomberg, businessman and politician.
This is one of the best motivational phrases for everyday. Get away from everything and from negative people that get in the way of your life. When you do, you will feel a big difference!

14. “Choose a job you like and you will not have to work a single day of your life.”
– Confucius, Chinese philosopher.
Appreciating your job and what you do is a great way to fully live life. Life is one, why waste it doing something you do not like?

15. “Being an entrepreneur is living a few years of your life as most do not want, so you can live the rest of your life as most can not.”
– Anonymous.
If you just created a business and feel that it is not what you expected, because you work every day without rest, keep that phrase successful!

16. “Having high expectations is the key to everything”
– Sam Walton, founder of Walmart and Sam’s Club.
Stop putting limits on what you do. When you create great expectations in your life, you start to bet more and big things begin to happen.

17. “If everything seems to be under control then you are not going fast enough.”
– Mario Andretti, auto pilot.
Get out of your comfort zone !

18. “Keep away from people who try to minimize their ambition. Small people always do this, but the really big ones make you feel they can be great too. ”
– Mark Twain, writer.
As we mentioned earlier: do you think the people around you are always responsible for judging or questioning your decisions? Being a successful entrepreneur requires sacrifices and one of them is to leave aside those who belittle their work and their ambitions. You do not need that kind of negativity in your life.

19. “Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you do, you will succeed. ”
– Albert Schweitzer, philosopher and physician.
That’s right, many people think they need to be successful to be happy when reality is completely contrary. When you are happy, you become a successful person.

20. “One day your life will pass quickly before your eyes. Make sure it’s going to be worth watching. ”
– Anonymous.
Life is today, dare to live it and stop thinking about “what would it be like …?”.

21. “To win without risk is to triumph without glory.”
– Pierre Corneille, playwright.
And who does not risk, do not snack!

22. “Do not play games that you do not understand, even if you see lots of other people making money from them.”
– Tony Hsieh, CEO of Zappos.
Do not make the mistake of doing something alone just because you see others making money and enjoying life with it. Live your own dreams and you will see how little by little you will find your place in the world.

23. “No matter how brilliant your mind or strategy is, if you’re playing alone, you’ll always lose to a team.”
– Reid Hoffman, LinkedIn co-founder.
If you have a great idea in mind, are you sure you can do it all by yourself? Asking for help from others is a wise decision.

24. “Take only one person to change your life: you.”
– Ruth Casey, a member of the famous Toas of the Town group.
You are the sole owner of your destiny. No matter how many books of motivation and entrepreneurship you read, you are the only one who has the true power to change your life.

25. “Nothing great has ever been achieved without enthusiasm.”
– Ralph Waldo Emerson, writer and philosopher.
When you work with passion, everything you get (no matter how small) is a great reward for your efforts.

26. “Nothing is particularly difficult if you divide it into small tasks.”
– Henry Ford, founder of Ford Motor Company.
When you feel that everything is too heavy for you, divide your tasks into small jobs and you will see how everything becomes easier.

27. “Whenever you say what you want or believe, you are the first to hear it. It is a message to you and others about what you think is possible. Do not put a ceiling on yourself. ”
– Oprah Winfrey, presenter and businesswoman.
If you do not believe in yourself, do you think someone else will do it for you? Stop limiting yourself!

28. “The secret to fullness is very simple: to share.”
– Socrates, philosopher.
Everything is more fun when we share. What good is it to be happy and successful if we are alone?

29. “To succeed is not random, it is a variable dependent on effort.”
– Sophocles, philosopher.
Your level of success will always depend on the level of sacrifice and effort you put into your job. What is your?

30. “The value of an idea lies in its use.”
– Thomas Edison, inventor and entrepreneur.
Ideas should be explored so they are not stored in the drawer of oblivion. Enjoy yours!

31. “Sometimes, it’s not that we need new ideas, but we need to stop having old ideas.”
– Edwin Land of Polaroid, physical and industrial.
Dare to start with revolutionary ideas, be unique and break the schemas to stand out and be a true successful entrepreneur.

32. “When you want to accomplish something, there will be many people who will tell you not to do it. When they realize that they can not stop you, they will tell you how to do it, and when you finally do, they will say that they have always believed in you. ”
– Dante Gebel, pastor and presenter.
Every beginning will be full of people who will want to influence their decisions. Focus on your goals and do not ignore your intuition so that no one will stop you.

33. “You’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”
– Jim Rohn, entrepreneur.
Try to spend more time with people who bring something good to your life, who are passionate and who have the same desire to undertake you.

34. “The secret to hiring the best is: look for people who want to change the world.”
– Marc Benioff, entrepreneur.
Faced with this, do not settle for the realists, look for dreamers.

35. “The only place where ‘success’ appears before ‘work’ is in the dictionary.”
– Vidal Sassoon, hairdresser and entrepreneur.
Working hard is the only way to success, there are no shortcuts.

36. “Destiny is not a matter of luck, but a matter of choice. It’s not something to look forward to, it’s something to gain. ”
– William Jennings Bryan, lawyer and politician.
You need to know very well what your definition of success is and find out what you want in life so that you are solely responsible for achieving it.

37. “A man with a new idea is a madman until the idea triumphs.”
– Mark Twain, writer.
Many successful entrepreneurs have started out as crazy, and today they are admired all over the world. Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg or Jeff Bezos know a lot about it. So when someone says you’re crazy, do not feel bad, certainly something is going very well.

38. “There is only one success: being able to live your life in your own way. The trick is that which is emphasized. We can become miserable, or we can become strong. The amount of work is the same. ”
– Carlos Castaneda, writer and anthropologist.
Leave aside the excuses and fears of not being expert enough to undertake.

39. “The thoughts we choose to have are the tools we use to paint the picture of our lives.”
– Louise Hay, writer.
You need to work on your mental health and learn to control the thoughts that go around your mind. A positive attitude is your best mate when you undertake.

40. “I can accept failure, all fail at something. But I can not accept not trying. ”
– Michael Jordan, basketball player.
Always bet on what you believe is worth it. It does not matter if it works or not, it is better to live by transforming than to have a mind full of remorse and disapproval.

41. “Winners never quit and those who quit never win.”
– Vince Lombardi, first Super Bowl champion coach.
You never know when your time will come, before you give up and throw everything into the air. Remember that phrase from Vince!

42. “Some people dream of doing great things, while others stay awake and do them.”
– Anonymous.
There are many people who have great ideas, dreams and knowledge, but for fear of failing or simply leaving their comfort zone, do not dare to make them come true. Do not be part of this statistic!

43. “Only the mediocre never have a bad day.”
– Anonymous.
Even on the worst days, you can find something that makes you happy, learn something new, or simply boost your desire to be happy.

44. “Success consists in going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm.”
– Winston Churchill, politician.
No matter how many times you fall, the important thing is to get up and go on! Our Digital Makers also have inspiring success phrases that can motivate you, enjoy to watch some!

45. “Patience and perseverance are an obligation to take any business forward.”
– Javier Elices, entrepreneur.
With patience and perseverance, you can achieve great things. Dreams do not materialize from one day to the next. If that were so, they would cease to be so special.

46. ​​”There is no elevator for success, you have to climb all the steps of the stairs.”
– Ana Nieto, writer.
It is necessary to go step by step, shortcuts and problems only lead to fatigue. Choose the stairs and enjoy the path of entrepreneurship.

47. “Teach what you know and you will see that you can live it.”
– Priscila Hemmer, entrepreneur.
Not sure what to do to earn extra money or spend more time with your family? Dare to turn your knowledge into profit !

48. “Living of something that produces peace and freedom is the best way to live.”
– Natalia Gómez del Pozuelo, specialist in oratory and communication.
Life is about this: doing what leads to happiness. Many people manage to have personal and financial stability , but are still not happy. Follow your instinct and do what brings you joy!

49. “Life is to try to take advantage of all the opportunities that present themselves.”
– Martín Giacchetta, coach.
Because if you do not, someone else will!

50. “Happiness is malleable and every person has his concept of happiness.”
– Paula Abreu, entrepreneur.
It may be that you meet many people on the way who think you are crazy for not following your standards of happiness. But so what? You are the one who creates your own happiness, nothing and no one can say otherwise.

Ready to succeed this year yet? We hope these brief motivational phrases will be of great help in helping you achieve all of your goals for the new year.

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