5 Things I Do for a Happier Life

A lot of things can go wrong. But what if I do well?


Some time ago I chose to be happy. It sounds weird, maybe, but I guarantee it is not. Happiness is an option for anyone who has the time and the mood to beat their heads with such details. Perhaps the statement would be valid for anyone without exceptions, but I can not assume that people experiencing serious problems can be happy to order. For the rest, the tricks below are tested and working!

  1. I seek magic in everything

I believe magic really exists, but nowadays it has many explanations that analytical minds digest more easily. In the past, an experimental kit for children would have been a plausible reason to burn someone on the bum. Today, at the border with phenomena for which we still have no explanation, there is science that has not yet reached our ears.

I realized that I was doing magic when my sons, looking at the rituals I respect when cooking, whispered to me: Mummy, you are a good witch. I’m pretty proud, I said proudly, because I use the herbs in aromatic spices and in perfumes and potions.

  1. Traveling

I’m afraid to fly, I’m afraid to go by car and I miss my house for a week or so even if I’m staying at the world’s finest hotel on the world’s most beautiful island. But I’m traveling anyway . Because in life you only bring emotions, experiences and memories which, I hope, the spirit uses them to grow. Greater awe than seeing as much of Earth can not exist.

  1. I live today

It is, at the moment, an effort to live only here and now. That’s because I’ve dreamed all my life with my eyes open and I’ve been living forever with my head. I think imagination is one of the most beautiful gifts that man has received, but too much of everything, including good things, can be harmful. Balance is therefore the answer in this case as well.

  1. I eat healthy and I’m moving

If in the past this combination was the sure solution to torture me, today I discovered how pleasant I float when I take care of my health. Sport is, it is known, an excellent generator of endorphins. When it comes to food, however, things are a bit more complicated – we have to choose between intense but passing pleasure and a healthy relationship with food. Just as in love, I think the choice also depends on age and I’m sure everyone should taste some fast food once in a lifetime, by youth. 😉


  1. I’m half-full

Being optimistic is a conscious choice. At least it was for me. I’m not sure whether or not people are born like this and actually do not matter. The important thing is the result, and if you are only accustomed to looking at the risks and disadvantages, you should move your eyes to the happy scenario. You’re right, a lot of things can go wrong. But what if I do well?

Related: 72 Quotes About Happiness and Change the Way You Think

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