5 Energy-Boosting Foods to Kickstart Your Day!


The breakfast is the main meal of the day! From the physiological point of view, eating those first foods bursts a period of prolonged fasting by the hours of rest. While you sleep many brain functions also do so, so you need to be “fed” to reactivate. The basic nutrients to fulfill that objective are vitamins, zinc, iron, calcium, among other minerals. That’s why every day you need to include dairy, cereals and various fruits.


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Research including the one published by The FASED Journal in 2012 found that breakfast with enough protein control appetite, satiety and reduces that need to itch and itch in the middle of the morning. Another published in the journal Epidemiology in 2015 showed that people who miss the first meal of the day increase the risk of developing type II diabetes.
In definitive breakfast improves your physical performance because you have the energy to perform all the activities of the first hours of the day. Irina Lauritsen, Argentine nutritionist revealed to us what these five foods are that for no reason can be absent in this first feeding period.

1. Eggs: They are a natural source of proteins of high biological value and nutrients such as vitamin D, a mineral that makes your bones, hair and nails stronger. They are also a perfect source of energy for being rich in healthy fats, proteins, B vitamins, vitamin E and Omega 3 fatty acids. This food also has powerful effects because it prevents depression and prevents that feeling of anxiety for food. According to the healthy lifestyle specialist, although the egg has cholesterol, it is safe to eat it for 3 to 4 times a week.

“Consuming eggs regularly will not affect the health of our heart. What’s more, they contain a nutrient called choline that will improve cardiovascular and brain health,” he explains.


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2. Oats: Oats provide B vitamins, vitamins A, vitmaine E and minerals such as calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, potassium and sodium. On the other hand, it is one of the best sources of soluble fiber that facilitates the intestinal transit, that is to say it avoids constipation. Its versatility will make it easier to consume because you can mix it with milk, yogurt, fresh fruits, nuts or any other ingredient to achieve a complete breakfast in seconds.

Also read : Eat These 9 Fruits To Get Healthy And Fight Cellulite

3. Banana: To start the day with a lot of energy, nothing better than adding a few slices of this delicious fruit to a cup of yogurt or milk or placing them on toast two to three times a week. Because of its great contribution of potassium and carbohydrates gives you that feeling of satiety, due to the dietary fiber that contains the banana, makes this succulent fruit delivered to the body the necessary doses to achieve a healthy digestion in the body; Banana also strengthens the immune system thanks to its content of vitamin A, C and tryptophan.

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4. Yogurt: Just like milk and its derivatives contains proteins, carbohydrates, and vitamins, especially A, D and B provides calcium and phosphorus. It is preferable that you consume it skimfully and that combines it with fruits or nuts every morning. Although yogurt can be taken at any time, it is more effective to do it fasting, as it more easily reaches the intestinal flora and prepares to receive the food of the day.

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5. Flax / Linseed Seeds : Flaxseeds are an excellent source of calcium, fiber and Omega 3 fatty acids. When they have contact with water, they release soluble mucilages, so that the surrounding liquids acquire a thicker quality, being Highly recommended to combat constipation. In addition, it has been proven that when consumed regularly, have anti-inflammatory properties, emollients and laxatives. You have several options to consume them: whole, ground, ground finely (as flour). The seeds can be added to juices, smoothies, yogurt, milk, salads or whole wheat bread.


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