131 Inspirational Quotes for Life Is Short : But Are Most Of Us Really Living?


At all times, they were written about treated life, pages, thoughts, and aphorisms. But how much do we know? What Is Life? There remains a mystery. I present below a large selection (with many unpublished) of over 131 quotes about life is short. Related topics also include 400 phrases for tattoos , phrases, quotations and aphorisms on the world , phrases, citations and aphorisms on people and section with the most read phrases and topics on the site .

Here are 131 quotes for Life Is Short help you live your life fully now rather than later.
1.”The life is short , but the trouble the longer . No life is quite short for that” —Jules Renard

2.”Life is too short to waste it to realize the dreams of others.” —Oscar Wilde

3.”The two most important days of life are the one you were born and the one you know why.” —Mark Twain

4.”Living is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that’s all.” —Oscar Wilde

5.”It is important to add more life to years, no longer life to life.” —Anonymous

“Life is a huge canvas; it overthrows all the colors you can.” —Danny Kaye

They will always criticize you, they will talk badly about you and it will be difficult for you to meet someone whom you may like as you are! So live, do what your heart tells you, life is like a theater work, but has no initial proofs: sing, dance, laugh and live intensely every day of your life before the opera ends with no applause.
—Charlie Chaplin

6.”Give each day the chance to be the most beautiful of your life.” —Mark Twain

7.”Life is not measured by the number of breaths we do but through the moments that leave us breathless.” —Maya Angelou

8.”Life is like an echo: if you do not like what it sends you, you have to change the message you send.” —James Joyce

“Life is short. Drop quickly, kiss slowly, really love, always laugh at you and never regret anything that made you smile or cry.” —Sergio Bambaren

Life is this.
Nothing is easy.
Nothing is impossible.
—Charlie Chaplin

9.”Life is so short that neither happiness nor good should be postponed.” —Anonymous

10.”Life is short, its duration uncertain; It is extravagant to wait patiently for a good that one desires, when one can, with skill and activity, obtain it promptly.” —Anonymous

11.”Spring has fled, summer has succeeded him, and now here is winter. Spring will return to crown the earth with flowers, the beautiful days will be reborn, my heart will remain withered. The short life of man contains a still shorter life that is extinct, in me, it is that of illusions.” —Pierre-Simon Ballanche

12.”As soon as it is a question of helping, one must think that life is short, and that there is not a moment to lose.” —Voltaire

13.”Life is short, so I take advantage of everything. Death is nothing, we sleep and we no longer dream.” —Tahar Ben Jelloun

14.”Life is so short that we must not lose it in inaction, in vain expectation.” —Henri-Frederic Amiel

15.”Life is short, and well-being even shorter; The hours of health are now a reprieve, a respite. Use them well.” —Henri-Frederic Amiel

16.”Life is short, what is the use of overloading it with simulated vain and absurd worldliness.” —Henri-Frederic Amiel

17.”If life is short for pleasure, how long is it for virtue!” —Jean-Jacques Rousseau

18.”Life is short, it is often rough and always dry by itself, let us not be proud of the unexpected sweets that we meet or come to our forefront.” —Henri-Frederic Amiel

19.”Life is short, but the triumph of brutes is often long.” —Etienne

20.”Life is short, so it is a reason to enjoy it to the end and to dispense artfully its duration, in order to make the best of it that it is possible.” —Jean-Jacques Rousseau

21.”Life is so short that we must not lose a quarter of an hour.” —Voltaire

22.”Life is so short that it is not worth while to torment or hate.” —Henri

Life is too short to hate, to curse, and to chastise. Let us hurry, to comfort and to do good around us, for to-morrow we shall be no more. Forgive us one another, we are all imperfect and evil, but we are all slaves of pain and death.

23.”Life is too short to hate, too short to distract, too short to adjourn. What to do ? What must, come what may. What I must do ? God knows, pray, he will tell you.” —Anonymous

24.”Life is a mystery to live, not a problem to solve.” —Osho

25.”Life shrinks or expands in proportion to each other’s courage.” —Anais Nin

If you want to live the
brilliant life of existence itself,
devoted to listening, relationships
seek to find time
to contemplate and dream.
—Enzo Bianchi

26.”Becoming the richest man in the cemetery does not matter to me. What matters really is to be able to say every night that he has done something wonderful.”  —Steve Jobs

27.”You can not choose how to die. Or the day. You can only decide how to live. Now.” —John Baez

28.”There are always two choices in life: to accept the conditions in which we live or assume the responsibility to change them.” —Denis Waitley

29.”Whatever you can do or dream of doing, get started! Daring has genius, power and magic in itself.” —Goethe

I choose to live by choice, not by chance.
I choose to make changes, instead of having some excuses.
I choose to be motivated, not manipulated.
I choose to be useful, not used.
I choose self-esteem, not self-pity.
I choose to excel, not to compete.
I choose to hear the inner voice, and not the casual opinion of the people.
—Eileen Caddy

30.”The most beautiful day of your life is where you decide that your life is yours.
No excuses or justifications. No one to lean on, to whom to count or to blame.
The gift is yours – it’s an amazing trip and you’re the only one responsible for its quality.
This is the day your life really begins! —Bob Moawad

31.”Life is not made of incredible, fantastic things. It’s made of little things, but when you do not ask for the impossible, those little things turn into exceptional realities.” —Osho

32.”Life is not to find you. Life is to create yourself.” —George Bernard Shaw

33.”The greatest of miracles is to be, just be. To hear it, you do not need to be either rich or educated or famous. Be simply!
The fact that you are is the utmost among the mysteries. Because you’re? Why do you exist? For no reason: you did not earn it, you did not even ask! It just happened.” —Osho

34.”Exist, it is dare to throw in the world.” —Simone De Beauvoir

35.”I have made back the death of living, suffering, mistake, risking, giving and losing” —Anais Nin

36.”Life and dreams are sheets of the same book. To read them in order is to live, to browse them at random is dreaming.” —Arthur Schopenauer

37.”We all have a violin in our chests and we lost our bow to play it. Some find it in the books, others in the fire of a sunset, others in the eyes of a person, but each time the bow falls out of his hands and loses it like a yarn or a dream. Life is the endless search of this archetype so as not to hear the silence that surrounds us.” —Fabrizio Caramagna

38.”I’m always stupid. It’s the only thing that makes life worth living.” —Oscar Wilde

“He lives for years beside a human being, without seeing it. One day, one raises his eyes and sees it. In a moment, you do not know why, you do not know how, something breaks a dam between two waters. And two fates mingle, confuse, and fall.”
—Boris Pasternak

38.”Life is the art of deducing enough conclusions from an insufficient number of premises.” —Samuel Butler

40.”Life is like a bicycle with ten speeds. Most of us have gears they will never use.”

41.”There are times when living a life is like getting into tense hands in a thorny flower bush. After that you feel tremendously scratched but full of light.” —Fabrizio Caramagna

42.”We work continuously to shape our lives, but copying, in spite of our design, the features of the person we are and not of what we would like to be.” —Marcel Proust

43.”Life is a dream for a wise man, a foolish game, a comedy for the rich, and a tragedy for the poor.” —Sholom Aleichem

44.”Life is an adventure with a decisive start from others, an end not wanted by us, and so many intermezzo randomly chosen by chance.” —Roberto

45.”Man was born to live, not to get ready to live.” —Boris

46.”Open your eyes, look inside. Are you satisfied with the life you are living in?” —Bob

47.”Life is made of little insignificant happiness, similar to tiny flowers. It’s not just about great things like study, love, marriages, funerals. Every day small things happen, so many that they can not keep them in mind or count them, and among them are hiding grains of a perceptible happiness that the soul breathes and thanks to which it lives.” —Banana Yoshimoto

48.”I wonder what life is missing when on a summer night the breath of the stars opens the windows and throws you into the perfume of the sea.” —Fabrizio Caramagna

49.”I am too convinced that life is beautiful even when it is nausea that the miracle of miracles is born, to live: the gift of gifts. Even if it is a very complicated, very tedious, sometimes painful gift.” —Oriana Fallaci

50.”We have to get used to the idea that there is no signage to the most important parts of our lives.” —Ernest Hemingway

51.”Life is a violin concert public in which you have to learn to play the instrument as you play.” —Samuel Butler

52.”Things that are like questions happen, spend a minute or years, and then life answers.” —Alessandro Baricco

53.”Life is like a comedy, no matter how long it is, but how it is recited.” —Seneca

54.”Life is a great adventure to light.” —Paul Claudel

55.”Shut off, leave a short candle! Life is but a shadow that walks, a poor comedian who patters and shakes, on the world scene, for his hour, and then no longer talk about it; A tale told by an idiot, full of noise and fury, which means nothing.” —William Shakespeare

56.”Whoever lives, when he lives, can not be seen: he lives. If one can see his own life, it is a sign that he is not living her anymore: she suffers, drags her. —Luigi Pirandello

57.”Life is a long lesson of humility.” —James Matthew Barrie

58.”If a man has not found something he is willing to die, he is not worth living.” —Martin Luther King

59.”It’s not the years that count in life, it’s the life you put in those years.” —Abraham Lincoln

60.”Life, for the majority of men, is a nuisance that passes without being noticed, a sad thing, consisting of cheerful intervals.” —Anonymous

61.”Life is a procession. He who is slow finds it too fast and gets away; Who is fast finds it slow and gets aside.” —Kahlil Gibran

62.”Each of us is born with a lonely task to carry out and those who encounter it help to accomplish it or make it even harder: unlucky one who can not distinguish one from the other.” —Christian Bobin

63.”In this life people will love you. People will hate you. And nothing of all this will have to do with you.” —Abraham-Hicks

64.”We are like butterflies that beat their wings for a day thinking that it is eternity.” —Carl Sagan

65.”Life is too poor to be immortal.” —Jorge Luis Borges

I would prefer to be ash than dust. I would prefer that my spark burn in a vivid flame rather than be suffocated by arid putrescent. I would rather be a superb meteor, my atom exploded in a glittering glow, rather than a drowsy and persevering planet. The right function of a man is to live, not to exist.
—Jack London

66.”Life is a direct offensive against the repetitive mechanism of the universe.” —Anonymous

67.”Life is the point between matter and spirit.” —Augustus

68.”Fearing love is to fear life, and whoever is afraid of life is already dead for three quarters.” —Bertrand Russell

69.”Life is a terribly risky gambling. You bet, you would not accept it.” —Tom

70.”Life is a sexually transmitted disease and there is a 100% mortality rate.” —RD Laing

71.”Life, in my eyes, is just something to experience the strength of the soul.” —Robert Browning

72.”Life is a foreign language: all men are wrong to pronounce it.” —Christopher Morley

73.”Life is not so bad if you have a lot of luck, a good physical, and not too much imagination.” —Christopher Isherwood

74.”Life is a compromise between what your ego wants to do, what experience tells you to do, and what your nerves make you do.” —Bruce Crampton

75.”All the art of living is in a good mood to let go and cling.” —Havelock Ellis

76.”Who weighs for a long time before taking a step will spend his life on one leg.” —Anthony

77.”A person’s life consists of a series of events the last of which could also change the meaning of the whole.” —Italo Calvino

78.”In life, all of us have an unmistakable secret, irreversible regret, unreachable dream, and unforgettable love.” —Diego Marchi

79.”Life is not obliged to give us what we expect.” —Margareth Mitchell

80.”We do not know what the days will change our lives. Probably it is better this way.” —Stephen King

81.”Do not be afraid that life may end. But be afraid that you can never really start.” —John Henry Newman

82.”The greatest discovery of my generation is that man can change his life simply by changing his mental attitude.” —William James

83.”The best use of life is to spend it for something that lasts longer than life itself.” —William James

84.”When I find myself in front of God at the end of my life, I hope I will not even waste a bit of talent and I can say that I have used all that he has given me.” —Erma Bombeck

85.”We demand that life should have meaning: but life has precisely the meaning that we ourselves are willing to attribute to them.” —Hermann Hesse

86.”No living thing must be killed, not the smallest animal or insect, because every life is sacred.” —Buddha

87.”Remember that man does not live other life than the one who lives at this time, or loses another life than what he is losing now.” —Marco Aurelio

88.”There are only two days a year in which you can not do anything: one is called yesterday, the other is called tomorrow, so today is the right day to love, believe, do, and mainly live.” —Dalai Lama

“What are you looking for?”
“I’m looking for a lifetime.”

89.”You have two lives. The second begins on the day you realize that there is not one.” —Confucius

90.”Life is what happens when you are all about to make other plans.” —Allen Saunders

91.”Life can only be experienced backwards but it must be lived forward.” —Kevin Kruse

92.”Give to those who love wings to fly, roots to go back and reasons to stay.” —Dalai

93.”The way of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it.” —Pablo Picasso

94.”In twenty years you will not be disappointed with the things you did … but from what you did not do. So lift up the anchor, abandon your safe harbors, catch the wind in your sails. Explore. Do you dream. Discover.” —Mark Twain

95.”You only live once. But if you do it well, once is enough.” —Mae West

96.”Life is an invisible jar and you are what you throw in. It throws envy, dissatisfaction and wickedness and will overwhelm anxiety. It throws kindness, empathy and love and will overcome serenity.” —Fabrizio Caramagna

Dance as if no one was watching,
love as if no one had ever hurt you,
sing like no one was listening,
live as if paradise was on earth.
—William W. Purkey

97.”May I make my life something simple and straight, like a cane flute that the Lord fills with music.” —Rabindranath Tagore

98.”Life is like a mirror: it smiles if you look at her smiling.” —Jim Morrison

99.”If you do not like something in your life, change it. If you can not change it, change your attitude. Do not complain.” —Maya Angelou

We did not choose to live
and yet we must learn how to live
as we learn a profession
because there is a fact, living is an art
—Enzo Bianchi

100.Why do you compare yourself to someone else?
If you do not compare to another
you will be what you really are. —Anonymous

101.”Your time is limited, so do not waste it by living someone else’s life. Do not be trapped by dogma, which is the living of the results of the thoughts of others. Do not let the sounds of other people’s opinions suffocate your inner voice. And more important than anything else, always have the courage to follow your heart and your intuitions. They somehow know what you really want to become. Everything else is secondary. —Steve Jobs

102.”Being what we are and becoming what we are able to become is the only end of life”. —Robert Louis Stevenson

103.”We would need three lives: one to make a mistake, one to correct the mistakes, one to recapture everything.” —Alberto Jess

104.”If you do not climb, you can not fall. But living all your life on the ground will not give you joy.” —Anonymous

105.”Every day of life is unique, but we need something to happen to remind us. It does not matter if we get results or not, if we make a good figure or not, after all, the essence, for most of us, is something we can not see but feel in the heart.” —Aruki Murakami

106.”If you are so lucky to find the kind of life you like, you should also find the courage to live it.” —John Irving

107.”Fear of life is the major disease of the twentieth century.” —William Lyon Phelps

“Life is like watching a movie, he thought. Only you seem to have entered ten minutes after the beginning of the show and no one wants to tell you the plot, so you have to understand it alone.
And you never, never really have the chance to stay for the second show.”
—Terry Pratchett

108.”Life is short. Brea the rules. Forgive me quickly. It kisses slowly. She really does. You laugh uncontrollably and do not regret anything that made you smile.” —Robert Doisneau

109.”In life, there are two things to look for: first, get what you want; And, soon after, enjoy it. Only the wisest of humans get the second.” —Logan Pearsall Smith

110.”There is only one kind of success: to make your own life what you want.” —Henry David Thoreau

111.”Do you love life? Then do not waste time, because it is the substance that life is made of.” —Benjamin Franklin

112.And I still dare to wake up with the waves, put my hands in the pulse of jellyfish, pierce the sky with the bites, dig the earth to touch the lava at its center and then beat me in the dark to not surprise the world.
I still want to hear my life. —Fabrizio Caramagna

113.”Who has a reason to live can withstand almost every one as well.” —Friedrich Nietzsche

Every human being, during his / her life, can adopt two attitudes: build or plant.
Manufacturers can spend years busy in their task, but sooner or later they end up with what they were doing. Then they stop, and remain there, confined by their own walls. When construction is over, life loses meaning.
Those who plant suffer with storms and seasons, rarely rest. But, unlike a building, the garden never ceases to grow. It requires the gardener’s attention but, at the same time, allows him to live as in a great adventure.
—Paulo Coelho

114.”There are two ways to live life. One is to think that nothing is a miracle. The other is to think that everything is a miracle.” —Albert Einstein

115.”Living is an art that everyone must learn, and no one can teach.” —Havelock Ellis

116.”The only masterpiece is to live.” —Gilbert Cesbron

117.”Life is made of very rare moments of great intensity and countless intervals. Most men, though, not knowing magic moments, end up living with only the intervals.” —Friedrich Nietzsche

118.”You have to live as you think, otherwise you will end up thinking about how you lived.’ —Paul Bourget

119.’To die is nothing; Not to live is scary.” —Victor Hugo

120.”If there is a sin against life, it is perhaps not so despairing as hoping for another life, and escaping the implacable magnitude of this.” —Albert Camus

121.”A great attitude becomes a great day that becomes a great month that becomes a great year that becomes a great life.” —Mandy Hale

122.”The biggest mistake in life is to always be afraid of being mistaken.” —Elbert Hubbard

123.”Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% responds.” —Charles Swindoll

124.”Life is made of days that do not mean anything and moments that mean everything.” —Anonymous

125.”Perhaps life is like a river going to the sea. He did not go where he wanted to go, but ended where he needed to be” —Anonymous

I understand that there are so many lives in life,
how many times have we loved life.

126.”Here’s the test to find out if your mission on earth is over. If you are alive, it is not.” —Richard Bach

127.’Our lives are beginning to end in the day when we say nothing about the things that count.” —Martin Luther King jr

128.”If you do not decide on your life, someone else will decide for you.” —Leo Buscaglia

129.”If you love life, life turns your love.” —Arthur Rubinstein

130.”Life seems to me too short for her to hate and to take into account the torments of others.” —Charlotte Bronte

131.”The only real failure in life is not to act in coherence with its values.” —Buddha

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