There are nights when it is very difficult to fall asleep, is it not? You check the clock for the third time in ten minutes. It’s past two in the morning and you have to wake up at seven to go to work. You do everything to get to sleep, but some stress of personal life, work or an extra glass of coffee prevents you from sleeping. In those hours, what to do? In addition to avoiding certain specific foods, do not give up.
Generally, the problem is that you are too worried about something and that is stopping you to relax. Whether it’s a distracting sound (gutters, squeaking doors, loud music, etc.), stress or even your worry about “what time it is?” There are a few mental games that serve to calm your mind and could help you sleep faster. But before that, check out the list of what not to do in these hours of conflict:
• Do not get out of bed. Unless you can get to sleep on your feet – it’s not that difficult for those who usually get buses/trains / crowded metros – jogging will make you stay awake longer;
• Do not read. Although a tedious book might cause you to sleep, reading will probably delay the process of rest and relaxation;
• Keep the lights off and stay in a comfortable sleeping position.
These tips may seem pretty obvious, but many cases of insomnia are due to the person’s impatience at bedtime. Unless you’ve decided to stay overnight and be prepared to feel dead the next day, stay in bed. After removing all the fun activities, check out the following tips and get a great night’s sleep:
1. Imagine a scenario

Try to picture yourself in a familiar location. A good way to start is to visualize yourself moving around the room. Try to remember every detail of it without opening your eyes. If it’s too easy, try to recreate a new room in your mind. You can spend a few minutes before sleep improving your dream mansiOn.
2. Breathe
Focus on your breath. Try to consciously decrease your breathing process to a specific number of inspiration and exhalation, remembering to count each one. In addition to help you focus your mind through counting, the process makes you relax physically. By easing the beating of your heart and forcing relaxation, it becomes easier to fall asleep.
3. Internal Dialogue
Who said imaginary friends are just for kids? Create a character and make a conversation with him. In this way, you can focus on your random mental flow and drive away thoughts, distractions, or stress that may be keeping you awake.
4. Body Consciousness

A good relaxation technique is to contract and relax all the major muscles of your body. Begin by tensing the toes of the foot for a few seconds and release them slowly. Then strain the muscles in the arch of your foot. Pass to the legs, arms and finally the neck. This little exercise helps remove tension in the body and makes you more comfortable.
5. Recapitulation of the day
Enjoy the restlessness provided by the lack of sleep and revisit your day. What accomplishments have you achieved? What would you like to do differently next time? However, if any specific stress is keeping you awake, it is not advisable to do this exercise. However, your day has run normally, there is no problem in doing so.
6. Do a planning
Visualize from beginning to end how your “perfect day” will be tomorrow. Imagine yourself waking up the next day and managing to do all the things you really need to do. Generally, it takes at least 15 minutes to plan an entire day – unless you are extremely thorough. The task helps you soothe your daydreams as you prepare for a better day.
7. Visualize a goal
Spend some time thinking about a goal or dream that you want to achieve. If you often have money or debt problems, spend a few minutes pondering how to be more prosperous. If you are looking for a new relationship, imagine the ideal partner. Invest some time considering the details. Do not just imagine yourself writing a book, see a complete copy in your hands.
Since you’re being forced to stay awake, you better think of things that do you good, don’t you?
8. The square root of sheep
Counting sheep is very boring to occupy a weary mind. Instead, try doing it in powers of two, that is, starting with the number 1 and always continuing to double the value. 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 … 1024 … 8388608. At some point, you will get lost in the count and you will have to start all over again. Some small mathematical games can keep your mind occupied, while keeping thoughts that distract you away.
9. Mental study
If you are a student or are studying for a specific contest, use your insomnia to review the next test. Start with some random information about the subject or subject covered. It may be the name of a muscle in the foot or some philosophical question that needs to be addressed. In the case of the contestants, this is a good time to pass on some student law or penal code.
Lingue one concept to another and find new answers on the topic. From each new idea, find another node in the chain of thoughts. For example, Socrates can lead to Aristotle, referring to Alexander the Great and finally to the great Gupta dynasty in India.
10. Keep your eyes open

Blink when necessary, but try to keep your eyes open. You can probably remember some important moment – be it a lecture or a lesson – when you need to keep your eyes open, but they kept closing. This was certainly one of the most difficult tasks of your life. So seeing the ceiling of your home can be a better sleep booster than anything your teacher might have created.
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