10 Golden Rules for Weight Healthily Success and Permanently


The rules to lose weight healthily and permanently allow you to lose excess weight and do it in order not to accumulate more what you leave behind, without putting at risk their own health , as happens for example with so called crash diets .

Losing weight and staying fit means yes indeed make a weight loss diet , but try later to consistently maintain a ‘ balanced diet , in order to avoid what is called accordion effect , alternating cyclical weight loss and fat that has anything but beneficial effects on the body and the body.

Fundamental to achieve the goal is to treat not only the power but also the way of life , to be healthy, and the ‘ physical activity , which should be done consistently and regularly to keep fit and keep active metabolism .

Related: The 12 Modern Rules Of Books For Healthy

What, then, are the 10 rules for losing weight in a healthy and lasting way ? Let’s discover them all.

1.The first rule to lose weight healthily and sustainablye, but also to do it in the best way and with the maximum benefit, it is certainly to not lose weight too quickly , reducing us to hunger.

2.Avoid diets DIY because the power is serious and if you have to lose a lot of weight, or there is the presence of diseases, it is appropriate to rely on a doctor who knows how to find a tailored solution. Diets do it yourself can be very dangerous because they often do not take account of the particular case and may result in the loss of vital nutrients to the body (or cause it to excess, often just as deleterious).

3.If you need to lose only a few pounds, it is important to begin to understand what could not go inside the eating habits . Too much fat? Too many sweets and too much sugar? Eliminiamoli or limitiamoli, gradually even if we fail suddenly.

4.If there are no particular health situations, to lose weight healthily and sustainable enough priority be given fresh fruits and seasonal vegetables , fish and white meat , rice , whole grains , legumes . By contrast fatty foods, fried foods, food from fast food and very rich desserts should be limited to exceptional cases, just to take off a whim from time to time.

5.Mangiare according to the lifestyle that you have. If you are sedentary better to limit the portions; If you are dynamic, you can give yourself a few extra calories.

6.Practice one sport that helps you lose weight more quickly, more effectively but above all help to reinforce the skeleton and muscles. Sport is also an excellent modeling of the body, perfect also, and especially, when you lose a lot of weight and the muscles lose volume. Whether it’s sports in the gym or at home just matter, the important thing is to practice it. It takes too long walks or mild strokes.

7.Avoid eating all those foods that cause fermentation because they could inflate and looks fat when you have not actually. Whether it is especially foods that contain yeast, milk and soft cheese, or legumes such as chickpeas and beans.

8.Help the body to drain fluids by drinking a lot. Drinking water (this is the drink to favor) allows to purify the body, sweep away the toxins and drain excess liquids that have accumulated.

9.Do not live feed and food as a source of obsession , constantly seeing you in the mirror pesandoci or even several times a day. Just eat less, focus on healthy foods, do some ‘sports and lose weight should not really be such a heavy commitment to sustain.

10.Treat yourself to small temptations from time to time. Whether it’s an ice cream, a piece of dark chocolate or other food that you like, not totally privatevene.

Read more
The Best 9 Foods For Glowing Skin
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The 12 Modern Rules Of Books For Healthy

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